This Rain Sucks! Few weeks left..

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Outdoors' started by ismokeplentybud, Oct 1, 2010.

  1. Anybody else taking the damage from this wind and rain? My plants have been constantly falling over and getting sopping wet. I wont see clear weather til tommorow. Its been awfully humid and wet im just getting worried i only got a few weeks left on my babies.
  2. just checked the forecast, calling for more showers next week
  3. that crazy nonstop south wind yesterday along with the heavy rains took my plants for a ride. wednesday, they were looking sexy as hell. today it looks like mother nature took the bitches into an alley and had her damn way with them. plants look very, very sad today. i did what i could but mother nature gives it back a little better.

    nothing a few nice days of sun, some string, and a little hope wont help fix. im thinking theyll bounce back.
  4. I feel you fellas. These last few weeks are nerve wrecking. All the hard work we've done to get here,,all at the mercy of mother nature. Hopefully the herb gods will be kind to our kind :) best of luck my all of us!!!
  5. I was worried about that with all these tropical systems outside, but its cleared up this AM and she looks beautiful. Just a minor lean, but thats no big deal.
  6. wait it out if u can,i cut one plant due to a slight mold spot to prevent spreading,my other 2 are still doing well,no mold or rot showing yet,so i'm hoping they get to finish,only 1 week left and that entire week is gonna be wet :(
  7. i hear ya with the rain same thing here its been raining for a week!
  8. Yea the weather here is ridiculous no more then 2 nice days in a row then days of rain. I brought mine inside the other day so it wasn't sitting in rain for days straight.
    I'm not to sure if I'm go a cut down before the 4 days of straight rain again starting Monday
  9. Wow, I must be the only one who has had great weather. For the past month my state has been in a literal drought, record setting in fact...So, my plants have been extremely dry except for when I water the soil. So i am hoping i dont get rot this time, today its raining for the first time in weeks but I hate getting my buds wet!
  10. its also been a constant slow rain here...annoying as hell
  11. its nerv wrecking ughhh, today and tomorrow are gona b good weather for me, very chilly tho but im hoping it brings the red and purple coloring thats coming out.
  12. i hear ya im south of you and we've been getting pounded with heavy winds and rain ,,i cant cover my plants so i have to ride it out ,i need this whole month to finish!!!
  13. im lookin at rain almost all week.
  14. yeah man i hear ya where i live it was so rainy and windy for the past few weeks but its clearing up a bit now and shes growing good. nice and sunny but cold this week
  15. Lucky I got cold rainy weather alll week. She's about to come inside outs the rain again. I don't know what to do wit her she doesn't look to happy. Gona wait at least a few more days I think but idk
  16. wait!!!!! only wednesday and thursday gonna be shitty and the ten day is showing sun from friday on! well one day possible showers but looks like might have a window of two weeks and that sun is a must, if you can wait, id wait!
  17. same with me. its been raining for the past week straight. nothing but cold showers but after today and wensday its supposed to clear up. sunny skies untill monday.
    im thinkin on chopping befor the next showers to keep it safe. dont want it to rain into the frost dates. would always not be happy and not a fun way to end my season :smoke:
    GL Grasscity!
  18. Had the same problem, storm unfortunately wrecked my baby and had to harvest. Trichs were actually half amber so i lucked up. But I would advise all to check there girls, had a chunk of mold I had to get rid of, with cold/hot temps and rain colas develope mold sometimes.
  19. great...more rain today. its a beautiful life
  20. telling you wait it out, tommarow and thursday shitty, and friday to monday nice! and tuesday rain, so should set it so water that day or let naturally, and after that says clear skys!

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