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this look ok?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Big_Jay, Jan 27, 2010.

  1. i pick up a 20 bag last night and jus wanted to kno if it looks ok cos i think it may be sprayed =/ these threads appear alot so im posting some pics lol

    Ask if ya need more

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  2. nahh it's fine,smoke it up :smoke:
  3. i only noticed it this morning to, when i smoked it last night it tasted odd but weed has different tastes lol

    Plus my heart rate went to about 150 a minute to =/ jus got me worried
  4. theres no scale but it looks a bit light for what i usually get for $20. but seems like good stuff
  5. #5 hatchplzhelp, Jan 27, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 27, 2010
  6. wrong pic =/
  7. try again lol

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  8. doesnt your heart rate always go up when you smoke weed?

  9. Yes and no. When your new or a lite user your heart rate may increase. If you season toker and/or a heavy smoker your heart rate doesn't change.
  10. how much do you get in a $20 bag in the uk?

    is that 1.9 in a dub????

    thats sick. i know the pounds worth more than a dollar but a dub is 1.0 at the most where i live :\
  11. if your getting 1.9g for £20 ur getting fucked over by your hook-up, you should be getting 3.5 bro
  12. your getting killed, i get 4 gram dubs nd i live in the us.

    Dubs are stupid to pay for anyways, 4 grams of mid for 20 or 7 grams for 25.

    And no your weed isnt sprayed, and the heart beat thing is all in your head. You build it up and start freakin out and your heart races. It happened to me a few times when I had virgin lungs.
  13. the bag was 2.5 cos i smoked up last night. And prices vary from dealer to dealer round here, jus gotta go with it lol 2.5 is alright for a dub round here
  14. well i smoke in periods of like a year then take a break. This is after a few months off so would explain it lol plus i have anxiety.... Looking at it this thread is stupid lol my bad
  15. lollllollolol im getting killed??? youre the one whos getting MURDERED by wasting your money purchasing mids
  16. Here in UK, i get about 2.5-3g of chronic for £20. Got one at 2g the other day, but it was G-13, and was by far the best bud i've ever smoked!
  17. It doesn't look that good... someone did some horrible trimming.
  18. It also looks a little wet. Try drying it out for a couple days?

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