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this look like sour diesel

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by -aCe-, Feb 5, 2011.

  1. #1 -aCe-, Feb 5, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 5, 2011
    So rarely a good strain flies by here in my area, simply because every one chops the same cheap indica but if u know the right people u have a higher chance of getting some headies.

    So a dealer of mine came back to life and I know the guy pretty well and he has always been honest and shit. He reupped so I grabbed off him and he said its some funk Sour Diesel. It surely does look like it and smells dank as fuck.

    I'm holding off the sesh until I feel better and sore throat goes away.
    I know a picture isnt an accurate way of telling the strain but just speak your mind :)
    But anyways, what do you guys think? Sour D?

    Bigger Picture:
  2. Lots of visiable crystals + orange hairs = good bud.
  3. I also have sour D at the moment and that looks similar to what I am holding.
  4. I also am in possession of some Sour Diesel as we speak, and the orange is a definite giveaway. It should smell/taste citrusy. Most importantly though, you have some bud, and good bud at that!
  5. It could be... Most likely not though. What a horrible job the grower did on trimming. It's like coated in leaves. WTF?
  6. that bud looks dank as hell could be sour d

  7. Yea but it was liek .9 - 1g so i didn't complain especially since its some good dank. But yea trimming isnt the best, but what can you do :/
  8. doubt you do dawg:hello:

  9. One of you guys better be from where I am
  10. Looks more like some ScottishCheeseWizzer9000.

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