The dude for marijuana is from the internet, I know it, there is no way he is not on the internet. He argues just like people do on the internet, and I LOVE IT. [ame=]YouTube - SAFER debates California initiative to legalize marijuana[/ame] This is a week old I think, hopefully it hasn't already been posted.
Loved It! Thats basically how every argument will go We state FACTS! They cast doubts and speculation and fear. And once put on the spot the sputter and stall with their false propoganda.
haha thats awesome. the alcohol distributors probably should have picked a better representative. if you're going to present misleading information in a debate, you need to at least pretend to be right, even if you probably know you're not.
I hate to say it but the pro-marijuana guy did not actually answer the last question. It is true that most of the cognitive tests used for impairment can show if someone should not be driving but he didn't say this. He definitely faired better but realistically he should have done even better.
I don't understand why every debate on TV doesn't go this way. Arguing with a cop? Point out that his job security depends on prohibition. Arguing with a politician? Point out how much lobby money he's gotten from the pharm industry, because as everyone here knows, once cannabis is legalized people will no longer need medicine cabinets. It's far past time to start calling these mother fuckers out on their agendas.
While marijuana does have its medicinal benefits, it cannot cure everything. Pharmaceuticals will always have a place in homes. As long as people keep getting sick, they will need "fda approved" drugs.
While the MJ advocate did a nice job of this, he failed to actually counter some of the blatant lies / fear mongering. It would of been great if he would of debunked his lies about driving under the influence. The opposition fellow basically said that if prop 19 passed it would be legal to drive while under the influence of MJ, which is a blatant lie. Prop 19 does not affect current DUI crimes what so ever. I was disappointed he didn't counter that.
We'll all need to smoke weed just to ease the awful side effects although I dont know if cannibis helpps with anal leakage
Get drunk, go drive, crash into a median, or a tree, or a building, or a family. Get high, drive 5 miles below the speed limit, in the far right lane, checking both ways 8 times just to make sure nobody is coming. Get drunk, run red lights, swerved all over, and blatantly disregard the rules of the road. Get high, and you end up driving the straightest line you've ever driven, and stop for a full 9 seconds at the stop sign.....just to make sure you're safe. I've known half a dozen people get into accidents while drunk, that clearly would not have happened if they were not drunk (Ie, fell asleep, and woke up in a hospital). I've never known anyone who fell asleep at the wheel after smoking. I've never known anyone who crashed just because they were high. It's awesome. He basically said......the distributors of the beverage that causes thousands of accidents every month...are worried that their drivers might have to share the road with high people, lol. I don't think you should smoke and drive, but if daughter was going to go out driving high...or drunk.....I would rather have her drive high every single night of the week, than drive drunk even just once. For proof that driving high is safer....consider this. Every pizza delivery guy on the planet is high They NEVER crash.
"For proof that driving high is safer....consider this. Every pizza delivery guy on the planet is high They NEVER crash. " And they are always late! The drunk driver speeds through the stop sign without seeing it. The stoned driver stops and patiently waits for it to turn green. Guitherism
But they get the job done Plus, we're high. It just seems like it has taken 4.2 days to get to us I know a lot of delivery guys. Admittedly, they're late, or earlier, more than anything. So goes the business of driving around, delivering pizza's, and having to stop at friends houses hehe.. Mostly though, most drivers will deliver first, then dick off second. Well any that cares about their job. Maybe a few, that don't give a shit.'s not like they're making millions to deliver your pizza.....what you expect? This is why you get to know your pizza guy. Tip him well, shoot the shit with him, and invite him in for a smoke. He won't forget you...and you're pizza will get there extra fast next time. If it's late all the time, then you are the dick....that nobody wants to deliver to. That is why it is late.
Yeh hehe, funny to think the two largest companies opposing legal marijuana, are alcohol and tobacco I mean, what would the world come to, if instead of everyone being drunk on Friday night, they were high instead? Probably just dumb shit, like world peace, people solving their problems, and nobody fighting in front of the bar, driving drunk, and most of the world would get REALLY good at video games. Down with the weed!!!!! Alcohol is way better Hey, that's what law told me, and I totally believe it. I also believe in things like talking snakes, fruits that make the world fight each other, people whom lived thousands of years ago being reborn, and man eating fish...
I don't support those 2 shitty substances...Go Green =)...Don't they want the earth more green anyways?