this just happened right now.

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by L-Do.Tx, Oct 28, 2011.

  1. i was doing like 90 on the freeway on my way to my connects house and when i got off the highway this red yukon was tailing i was driving next to a white truck and a red one behind me( the one i think is a cop) so i punched the gas got in front of the white truck and turned right into my connects block.the red yukon didnt have a chance to turn. then when i gt my weed i went a different way and then all of a sudden this cop pulled out in front of me i slowed down and he was like half a block in front of me when he slammed on his breaks waiting for me to catch up to him, but i then slowede down too.then i was like two blocks away from my house when i put my blinker to turn left, i turned then at the next block i saw that he also turned left so i slammed on my gas and pulled into my driveay like a block away then when im getting off my truck the cop passes by my house and kept mean muggin
  2. Are you black?

    No jk, but seriously seems like your being watched my friend.
  3. worse. im mexican
  4. but i mean dam iv lived here all my life and so has my mom, and so has hers.its weird bcuz event tho im a mex. i still kinda get pissed at the wetbacks that come from mexico. they cant drive for shit.i mean i can understand why they would be watching me, cuz i smoke weed everyday and connect alot, and i hotbox my truck in front of my house and smoke blunts in the street, but dam i aint hurtin no body but my body
  5. I'm confused why you would drive so erratically when you think the cops are watching you? "Punching the gas," slowing way down, turning opposite of your blinker...what's the point of doing that? It just draws more attention to you.

    And then you still pull into your connect's house?? Way to bring the heat to their doorstep.

    So confused...
  6. ok no. i didnt go the opposite from where i fukin baked right now so il try to make as much sense as i can. i didnt pull up to my connects house i pulled into his hood and there was way too much traffic to follow me.i s on a one way when it happened. and at first i was driving all carzy and shit cuz i wasnt planning on getting a sak. i was in the north side and got on the highway to my house. i was going 90 on my way to my house but i missed my exit. so i had cash an my connect was at the next exit so i said fuk it it on the way to my house. then i got off the highway and did a u-turn in the underpass, not an illegal u-turn they were both 2-way streets.once i was on the other street thats when i saw that truck tailing me and did my menuvers to lose'm.after i got my sack i was already on a street that leads a block away from my house, and thats where the other marked pd pulled out in front of me and slowed down in front of me as if he was checking me out.thats when i got to my block turned left then as i was turning i saw him turn too, then i slammed on the gas and got into my driveway and when i got off my truck that pig passed my my house real slow mean mugin me like a mo'fo
  7. If your gonna be sketchy and smoke in public, know your rights!
  8. I hope you didn't take offense, none was intended. My point was that you might have drawn more attention to yourself by doing your "menuvers to lose'm" and speeding. If I thought I was being followed by a police car, I would drive like I'm taking a driver's license test and not try to lose them...and forget the pickup for the time being. You can always go back later. Glad you got out unscathed!
  9. no i was not offended. and around here they will pull you over no matter what even if you drive good or bad, plus i had to turn at that street.but i get you anyone that was being tailed by a cop without probable cause has nothing to worry about, and might just get away with driving safe.on the other hand i was speeding, and as soon as i saw that the truck was coming up behind me i did my "menvuers to los'em" but like i said, around here they pull u over no matter what. when the second cop was in front of me he automatically saw interest as if he knew to pull over a big brown jeep.idk.either way i woulda been fuked if it would'v gone any different.
  10. so you were being followed and you still went to your house??? lol

    and it might not be a cop following you....have you done anything to anyone lately or anything that would want someone to know where you live?
  11. im in texas bro weed laws are pretty bad, but i usually only have the blunt im smokin incase a cop pulls over il just kill it with my foot.
  12. yea but it was weird i was being followed by a pd in a front of me. i was on my way home anyway, i didnt think that asshole was tryin to bust me.

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