This is what will happen if you smoke and drive:

Discussion in 'Television/Internet TV/VOD/DVD' started by rnc3147, Jan 21, 2010.

  1. [ame=]YouTube - "SWAP" TAC Drug Drive Ad[/ame]

  2. haha i'm high as shit and that geeked me out
  3. Okay.. that was some fucked up shit. :confused:
  4. I got pretty into it...reminded me of some Final Destination type stuff.

    [ame=]YouTube - Final Destination 2 - Evans Death[/ame]
  5. so as long as you dont pussy out of driving, you will make it home giggling?:confused:
  6. thats was bullshit

  7. +rep for you :hello::hello::hello:

    edit: whenever I can give it out again...
  8. Haha wow, that's worse than the texting while driving commercial.
  9. Im pretty sure that could, and has happened, anyway.. without that person even smoking...

    Just lmao.
  10. What a stupid ad.
  11. dude clearly has issues, he's driving some sort of modified vehicle with the steering wheel on the right AND he drives on the wrong side of the road
  12. if that was in America the bitch would of died first. when my girl asks me if i am ok to drive I will just speed up and get risky to show her that is a stupid video they should of just showed him in the slow lane driving 40 thinking about fast food
  13. Yea I just smoked a bowl and I'm a bit sketched out now. All those things, but the death, has happened to me while driving high. Fuuuuuck
  14. it was really all that english bitches fault. if she had let em stay and shoot shit for awhile longer and actually said something about him driving on THE LEFT SIDE OF THE ROAD.
  15. That guy just couldn't hold his shit together but dayum that shit was funny. Who the hell doesn't check. Seriously he smoked like half a fucking joint are you serious.

    In just about every part of the world except america they drive on the left side of the road, and the drivers side is on the opposite side of ours. America just has to be different.
  16. ^haha i waz totally bein a wiseass:rolleyes:
  17. #17 Misc, Jan 21, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 21, 2010
    This is why I think every stoner should drive a monster truck, and should only ride with compliant bitches.

    "Oh wut it's illegal to turn here? Don't give a FUCK."

    And if anyone gets in your way, they're turned into compactor material.

    "Fucker didn't yield to me man, oh well I hope satan is more empathetic"
  18. If I was high and driving I would be way to paranoid to make any of those mistakes, especially the one where he steps out into traffic and gets punted like a football down the street :eek:
  19. HaHAHAHAH that's cus it's in Europe you dumbass hahahahaha omg
  20. Ha; that's not what happens when I drive high. :bongin:


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