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This is what marijuana looks like

Discussion in 'Marijuana Consumption Q&A' started by [0[eagjo, Mar 19, 2012.

  1. #1 [0[eagjo, Mar 19, 2012
    Last edited: Mar 19, 2012
    This is what marijuana looks like.
  2. and it doesnt apply to the section whatsoever?


  3. fix'd. For GC history points.
  4. lol nice edit
  5. If u are actually trying to help u should put pics up of different strains and qualities of bud. Just my ¢2
  6. I checkt my bud it dosent look like those is it laced
  7. Wow! Thanks for that, I have always wondered what cannabis looks like!
  8. ummm wut
  9. Well there goes another 60 seconds im never gonna get back.
  10. *Facepalms*
  11. Why doesn't my weed look like brownies and where the fuck can I get some of this brownie weed?
  12. So that is how google works.
  13. thanks captain obvious
  14. what da fuck have i been smoking for the last two years then :hide:
  15. LOL that weed looks pretty dry bones.
  16. Hahah now that's getting right down to the basics I guess.
  17. #19 Sunn, Mar 23, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 23, 2012
    i just came back to this thread kinda randomly. i am convinced there is a deeper meaning and a connection between all these pictures. but i cannot figure out what. the fact that you gave no answers and no hints when asked what the point was suggests to me you want somebody to figure it out.

    don't tell me there isn't a point please :hide:

    the first three pictures are of weed, the plant, in various stages. the next few pictures of various ways of consuming cannabis. the last picture, of the medical marijuana states, seems out of place though.

    damnit there must be a reason for posting this shit.
  18. lol don't look too deep into it man.

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