This is weed right, right?

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by Synthesis, Dec 15, 2011.

  1. Sure looks like it
  2. You have a yes and a no so I am going to say
    I don't know because the picture is too blurry and its difficult to make an accurate call for this one

    Add a better or more pictures for a better answer :wave:

    Is that growing out of your sink btw
  3. Looks like it!
  4. Add the photo to your post, not a link, and more folks here will look at it...
  5. The photo is blurry, but unless you have somehow gotten hold of some kenaf*, that does look like pot! But a clearer photo might help!

    Granny :wave:

    *Kenaf comes in 2 varieties- one has heart-shaped leaves, the other is a dead-ringer for pot- until flowering, when it has lovely flowers! Kenaf is perfectly legal to own,grow or buy! I wonder how the cops would feel about a few kenaf plants in their planters? :devious: Kenaf: The South's New Wonder Crop?
  6. #8 PsilocinTHC, Dec 15, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 15, 2011
    Hey I think that might be the stuff that grows at the bottom of my garden. When I first saw it I was like 'WOOOOOOT!' but on further inspection a lot of the leaves were red. I'll go check if it's still there (I have a big garden) 'n take a picture.
    Well that was certainly one of my dumber moments, I didn't think about the fact it's the middle of fucking winter. lol
    The plant's there, but there's nothing on it.
  7. yes it is weed, but toasty is right more people will look if you attach the photo.

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