This is some nasty shit

Discussion in 'Grasscity Forum Humor' started by Mordecai, Oct 1, 2008.

  1. Who the fuck took pictures of my apartment?
  2. Holy God! That's some serious squalor. But like someone in that thread mentioned, the lady that lived in that probably had some serious depression issues for it to get that bad.
  3. That is so beyond gross and disgusting. I nearly puked from the pictures. If I had seen and smelled that in person... I'd lose my lunch. Better put a full biohazard suit on, drop off one of those huge ass garbage dumpsters right outside, then go in there with shovels and get rid of everything. After that, rip up the carpet, strip the walls clean of paint, rip out the toilet, sink and bathtub. Start from scratch.
  4. Oh man hahah thats way beyond nasty.
  5. Fuck that, just use fire.
  6. It looks like a cozy place to me, fellas. :D
  7. note the brown stain ooozing down the front of the toilet , i really really dont wanna know what that is :yummy:
  8. Ha, she has a ironing board.
  9. dude i HAVE to see what this woman looks like. YOU NEED to get pics

  10. Why did you even wonder?
  11. oh...shit:laughing:

    That is hilarious. Man, that has to be fake it has to be..that's some fucked up shit lol.

    Yeah i'd like to see some pics of this chick. She must weigh about damn near 600 lbs. Looks at all that food! Makes me hungry(till' i got to the bathroom part):hide:
  12. Haha, I tried to find pics... no luck. BUT, it could quite possibly be Palin... Fuck that sucks though, cause I always wanted to get her naked.

    and i thought 1 plate in my room was messy :eek:
  14. Makes my house look somewhet clean.
  15. What fast food restaurant are those cups from...?
  16. Holy shit that's nasty. I wonder if the person living there had a nose.
  17. Dude my friends aparmtent looks EXACTLY like that except the trash is a good 3-4 ft high and theres a path to 2 chairs in the living room, theres a path to his bed, theres a path to the fridge, and the bathroom. I'll see if I can get pics.
  18. My guess is that whoever lives there has a weight problem. If they eat all of that crappy food and dont take the time to clean their own place, then whos to say they take care of themselves?

    Cups?? Whataburger (best fast food) and Taco Cabana (tex-mex food)
  19. okay ha that seriously made me have an anxiety/panic attack. ok not eexactly but pretty close man. I hate messes. like clothes on my floor is one thing but cigg butts and whatnot and i cant even name half the crap that was in there. i believe there was a room dedicated to garbage! like ALL OF THE ROOMS what the heck.

    oh hi, by the way i have obsessive compulsive disorder. if my car isn't clean enough for me, i wont get in it and drive even if i have somewhere to be.

    but this is just nastyyyyyy

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