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This is so sad.. best person in the world :)

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Amped, Jan 29, 2011.

  1. #1 Amped, Jan 29, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 29, 2011
    I was on facebook, and somebody posted this.

    [ame=]YouTube - ! Chris Medina - Break Even : American Idol 10 Auditions ![/ame]

    Man, i was high when watching that video and it got to me :eek: So emotional. I fucking love that guy hes the best person ever. I was baked watching that video and in the end i was about to cry and that guy looks SO damn happy still. Its fucking.. beautiful :eek:

    I love how happy he is even though what happened. He didnt just give up like many other people would, and still loves his wife. :smoke:

    This guy is beast :)
  2. I saw this on T.V the other night, and agree about it being sad. That guy is one hell of a guy to stick with her. You don't see many good guys anymore these days.

    ALSO, not trying to be a prick but i don't believe this post is in the proper place.;)
  3. dang, what a good fucking guy. drunk tears abound
  4. Yeah, i was thinking wow, out of the countless douchebags out there, its nice to see somebody who is this great of a person. i feel you man, it got 2 me also :)

    Its sad... but so happy in a way i cant even describe
  5. That dude is a man.
  6. So sad. :(
    Good to know he stayed with his fiance even after something as traumatic as that. :smoke:
  7. Just gave me the chills. I feel bad now.
  8. If my hot girlfriend was no longer hot i would dump her.

  9. It makes me sad while watching the video, but in the end its more "happy tears" if that makes sense. Gives me hope in humanity :)

    notajew: Don't try to troll, please.
  10. so sad. One of the nicest things i've ever seen!
  11. #11 BalkanCommie, Jan 29, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 29, 2011
    its people like you who we used for target practice in the old country :mad:

    man that shit was so fucking sad it reminded me of an earlier episode where some old guy sang for his wife who had passed away

    Edit: thiss :cry: [ame][/ame]
  12. Great guy, he has some awesome karma coming his way
  13. man watching that video makes you realize how harsh this world really is. How much we should cherish the ones around us because one day it's coming to a end whether we like it or not.
  14. i vote this the saddest thread ever :cry:
  15. Just think of how happy / nice these people are even through all their hardships. Life has suffering, its a fact. People like this are great, they are strong and stay by the ones they love. It makes me more happy then sad, to know there is people like this out their in the world, who care so much about others and just let off a glow of good vibes no matter what happens.
  16. Ya that is really touching. I dont really watch the show, but Im hoping he wins it all
  17. If they ever put the term "Stand-up guy" in the dictionary, they should put his picture next to it!
  18. This guy obviously has a good heart and doesn't live solely for himself but I have to say that if I loved a girl enough to marry her, there's nothing in this world that would make me walk away from her.
  19. Just want to bump it so more people might see :smoke:
  20. ahha one of my friends, this is her brother in law hehe. it was chill cuz we had like a american idol sex party thing :O lol

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