This is really how stupid people are in Polk County, Florida

Discussion in 'General' started by secool, Jan 26, 2010.

  1. This is a true story! About two weeks ago I walked into a near by gas station for some cigarillos because I just got off work and I wanted to smoke some blunts with a friend. So I walk in and ask "Hey can I get two white owl cigarillos in the foil packs." He says "Sure boss, but can I see some ID." Now the date was 1-12-2009. I am already 18 years old and my birthday is 1-18-1991. So I'm obviously 18, right? Well this fattie turns his head and starts to count on his fingers and repeat the months of the year in his head. So I'm thinking wow this guy's an idiot, there's the sign stating what year you have to be born in to by tobacco products. Then to my amazement he brings down the sign real fast and says "Hey check out this cool sign boss." I read it and just nodded. He said "See bro if you were born after December 30th on in 1991 you can't buy tobacco products." I laughed and sarcastically said "Right and I was born in Janurary so what's the hold up?" Then he says "BRO your born on jan 18th 1991, which is AFTER Decemeber right?" I stood there totally taken back by his stupidity, so I said "Are you joking, or are you this stupid all the time?" He then yelled at me and said "IM NOT STUPID!" So I turned around and asked an older gentlmen with no teeth (which was a COMPLETE mistake) so I asked him "Sir does Janurary or December come first?" He said in this thick ass hick voice "december." I just said "Wow, so I stated every month of the year and he said "Oh well Janurary does at the first of the year." I said thank you so I'm right correct? (He was standing there the entire time I was talking to the idiot at the counter.) So he finally says "Well I suppose it's all about how you look at it." I just said "WOW your both fucking retarded." Then I just walked out of the store and told my friend the story. We laughed until we cried and then he walked in and bought a pack of Cigrillos and he is born on 2-26-1991. He said before he bought them he said "I guess if your born in Janurary your just fucked huh? Doesn't matter if your 18 I guess." He said the guys just stared at him and said "Get the fuck out of the store you idiot." This is a true story, that I can't actually believe happened. I'm just glad I was blazed :smoke: P.S. Sorry for the long read.
  2. While most of our government money goes to Defense instead of Education...

    Our population is decreasing in intelligence by the second. Great story though, OP. The bolded part is the best.
  3. Lol I had the samething happen to me...I was buying a pack of Mal Lights and it was June 2009, he looked at my ID and was like tsk tsk you just turned 18 and buying cigarettes (my birthday is May 27 '90)...

    I was like uhhh no I'm 19. He checks the ID again...ohhh.

    Fucking idiot, 2009-1990 = 19 so easy to do in your head just look at the fucking NINE in the year 2009.
  4. Lol thanks for the replys. I mean this guy looked like Silent Bob from Jay and Silent Bob LMAO. The funniest part was watching him count on his fingers, he turned his head to the side a little so I wouldn't see him whispering. I'm just glad it happened to me, because that shit was hiliraious.
  5. Welcome to Florida, heh.

    I was buying lotto tickets for my mom the other day and there was a huge line behind me and this fucking bitch goes "Wait, how old are you?" I was 19 at the time and said "I'm nineteen years old." and she says "Well, I need to see ID." I go "*long pause*, Excuse me? Are you serious? For lotto tickets?" And she said "Yes, I'm serious." all flustered and shit. Luckily I had my ID on me and give it to her and I turn around and say to the dude behind me "Can you believe this? Why would I even bother buying lotto tickets if I wasn't of age?" and she starts subtracting 1989 - 2009 outloud and I go "Sweetheart, 1989 - 2009 is 20, but my birthday isn't for another month so I am 19." And she gives me this look and I glare at her back and snatch my ID and lotto tickets in a rude way I guess but she pissed me off. I mean ffs, I don't even get carded for tobacco (thought I'm of age) or alcohol products (I'm not even 21 yet) and this bitch was holding up a huge ass line and was making it impossible to get fucking lotto tickets. Fuck those people :rolleyes:
  6. Some people just amaze me with their stupid questions and answers. It's redic how unintelligent people are.
  7. lmao some shit kinda like tht happened to me down in broward cnty. the clerk saw 12-04-90 nd said 02-04-90? your not eighteen! gotta love the gas station clerks:smoke:
  8. For chrissakes, they're minimum wage people who are just doing their jobs. They don't make the rules but they do get arrested and/or fines if they sell to someone who is under age. These are convenience store clerks not nuclear physicists. Why get pissed at them for stuff they have no control over?

    OP - where in Polk County?
  9. lol like a underage kid would hand the clerk his obviously underage id when buying it, right? gotta think, any kid thats underage is prolly sweatin cuz hes afraid hes not gonna get em. enough that he wouldnt just hand his legit underage id... hahaha.

    oh well, welcome to the united states everyone hope you enjoy your stay
  10. #10 IRSyKo, Jan 26, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 26, 2010

    I think......1989-2009 is -20 :smoking:

    You get carded buying lighters here unless you're a regular.

  11. That's fucking classic right there.
  12. OP, you were 6 days short of being 18 on that particular day. I remember I tried buying a pack of cigarettes a week before my 18th birthday and was turned away. Sure, it was my 18th birth year, but that doesn't mean shit.

  13. ..........yes I'm negative 20 years old and you, me, this website, everything is all a lie. Dontcha know? Watch out!

    and no I've never been carded for lighters.
  14. Around Denver I've never had anything happen like this, haha. People actually wished me a happy birthday when i got carded places until like a month after my birthday.

    There are definitely some dumbasses in this world, that was a good read man.
  15. In NY I've actually been carded for a lighter before. Actually, I was carded for papers. One time I was even carded for an energy drink at wallmart. That's kind of embarrassing when your 23 and have a beard :cool:

    The funniest things I've had happen were when buying alcohol. In NY when you are under 21 there is a giant red "UNDER 21" next to your picture. The clerks to this day stare at the date and count on their fingers. The date is dumb easy to chalk. The giant red UNDER 21 is not.
  16. We're pissed because they are dumb fucks not because they card us. I would card myself too, I look around 17 honestly...
  17. Im 22 (and a half ;) lol).... so WELLLLLLLLLLLL past the little dumbass sign they have for buying alcohol and i get people ALLLL the time here turning me down because im too young after handing them my license.
    im like SERIOUSLY are you that stupid? im a YEAR AND A HALF PAST the date. late 1987 is my bday.
    i CANT STAND how dumb people are. its sooooo great when they look at me and say "umm, no sorry son." i fuck with them EVERY time they do that.

    go back to 1st grade and learn your addition before you try to be a dick and end up wrong.

    ive also never in my life gotten carded for lighters. are you supposed to? just cuz you buy a lighter doesnt mean youre going to smoke a cig.

    what if im 16 and lighting candles for my parents anniversary dinner or something LMAO
  18. That's why they work in convenience stores :)
  19. I work at a gas station and yes i have been handed an underage id.
    That is all.
  20. Hmm I am just now considering how maybe they're not dumb but just in a terrible job in a situation in life as they're just depressed so they can't even add in a mundane work environment...that's some crazy shit.

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