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This is my first time eating an edible. This is how much I have, is this a safe amount to eat? Sn:

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by KaylaHarmone, Apr 22, 2016.

  1. Sn: I plan on chilling and relaxing today and maybe hanging with friends tonight. Thanks guys
  2. Nobody can answer this because nobody knows how strong it is. If you bought it from a med or rec shop then it would have the milligrams of THC on the label (like a beer has alcohol %). It could have no effect on you or you could feel like you're dying after it takes effect. The best course of action with an unknown edible is to have a little...say a 1/4 of the brownie...then see how it feels an hour later.

    Edibles are a different animal. When you smoke you feel it right away and can judge whether or not to smoke more. With edibles you eat what you eat then you're on for the ride for the next 3-24 hours. Don't take it lightly until you know what's up with them.
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  3. My friend made is with cannabutter, and you can smell the weed, it's really strong. I think i'm going to go with your advice and just split it up and wait 30 minutes. It seems like the safest idea. I don't want to be couch locked, I just want a good high you know. I'll split it in half and comment back here after 30 minutes. Don't leave please! Lol.
  4. No sweat, I'm here at work all day. I still recommend you wait an hour till you consider eating more. My 2 cents. Here's to a good experience:love-mj2:
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  5. I agree with A guy. Wait at least an hour for them to take effect. I'm interested to see how it goes. Good luck!

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  6. Officially 1 hour in. I feel vibrations all over, and a nice buzz. My eyes are already super low, haha. Waiting about 30 more minutes to see if I should have another piece, or just wait it out.
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  7. Cool, good to hear. I don't know how you roll but overdoing it on edibles is not fun for me or most people. Might be way more chill to enjoy the buzz that you've got going or just have a nibble more, you know you better than we. Remember, it's a longer ride than smoking. Happy Friday!
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  8. If they are good brownies you will get extreme couch lock. All the edibles I've had have stuck me to the sofa.. The last batch of cookies I made I went over board with the weed and didn't move for 6 hours!

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  9. #10 KaylaHarmone, Apr 23, 2016
    Last edited: Apr 23, 2016
    Okay I had ANOTHER PIECE. Head got super foggy, relaxing body vibes, and I passed out for 3 hours after having extreme munchies. I love it. And I'm still high.

    Edit: Also watched an ocean deep blue documentary and was completely mind blown. So far, amazing edible experience.
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  10. Ha! Awesome, glad you're having a blast. My first time overdoing it was down in Guatemala. We were selling some ganga chocolate cake for our friends at a bar we were working in so we took that cake home with us. My bro and I each ate a slice before bed...I remember getting up to pee the following day but other than that I didn't wake up till the day after that. Turns out each slice had about 1/4 oz in it. Granted it was lower grade weed than we have up here now a days but still. I lost a whole day to that delicious slice of cake!
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  11. I'm glad it's going well OP! I had 200mg in edibles today and I don't really feel anything. Just a very faint high feeling.

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  12. Oh my goodness. Do you have a really high tolerance? I'm now just coming down from that brownie and it's 1:40 am. haha
  13. Haha I remember taking edible all the Time, I would be baked for almost a day at one point.

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  14. I guess so lol. Last time I had 100mg edible and didn't feel anything so I assumed that 200 would work, but I guess I'll have to step it up even more! I def need a tolerance break.

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