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This is my first bag bought!

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by hitdablunt04, Feb 10, 2011.

  1. new smoker, and i payed 25 dollars for a little more than an eighth... (4g) its not too bad a deal i dont think... smells strong, close up it has little red hairs... sorry for the bad quality its my phone! tell me what you guys think though! dont be too harsh tho... sorry i cant afford some of ya'lls beautiful thc bursting buds lol

  2. Looks like crap and definitely doesn't look like an eighth. Sorry man
  3. its pretty much just a bag of shake and not many bigger buds, but hey, it will get u toasted, and that's what matters. :)
  4. looks like you got the last of what the dealer had, that's a lot of chaff....
  5. Damn dude.. your lucky if thats a dime. You just got RIPPED OFF!
  6. Yeah looks like barely 2grams.
  7. ya'll, i had it pre grinded.
  8. Why? why would you do that. that just gives him even more chance to rip you off dude..
  9. Doesn't look like it you got a couple nugs in there, then some chaff...and that's definatly not even close to 4 grams.
  10. That might be an eight of regs, if it gets u high thats all that matters.

    Have you tho seen the stuff aroud the site? thats why people r being neggy
    its prolly 2 g.
  11. well fuck. :/ i have no other way to get weed. so maybe its just not for me lol. sucks cuz i was really stoked about getting into smoking
  12. alright i guess smokeable stuff.

    but i tell u what.since spring is coming up right.
    i want you to take those 4 seeds i see in that bag stick those fuckers in the ground an u got a LEAST a pound of weed if u do a half way decent job of growing
  13. Naw dude just because you got ripped off doesnt mean you cant get into it. Everyone gets ripped off their first time. My best advice would to buy a scale. You can get one at any local head shop. Or have your guy weigh it out infront of you.
  14. why does that mean you have to quit?

    Toke up and enjoy.

    Buy a scale and weigh it tell the motha fucka u got a scale. an eigth is 4 basically.
  15. yeah thats why i said "i dont have the money to buy the weed people put up here" it sucks. i didnt think id get this much negative feedback
  16. you got pre ripped
  17. Sorry man but that doesnt look like 4g to me :/ looks like you got jipped :S

    Sorry to tell you that but hey i guess you won't be using that dealer anymore :p in a way this is actually a good experience as it teaches you now that you cannot trust anybody (not saying that stoners aren't trustworthy don't get me wrong, just a life lesson) when it comes to money and i know you probably all disagree but to a certain extent its true. But basically be careful is all I'm saying, maybe next time use a different dealer, or perhaps buy yourself some scales or ask your dealer to weigh up infront of you and just say that you got ripped off once and don't want it to happen again (don't have to say who ripped you off).

    But all in all, at least you have a lesson to take away with you'll get toasted :p just i guess not to the extent you were expecting :p

    Good luck on your next buy man! Keep on tokin ;)

  18. Honestly, if you were buying a baggy for the first time and your guy knew that this was your first time, there was no way you weren't going to get ripped off. Its just how the game works. Sad but true. Do you have anyone you smoke with whos a little more experienced who can go with you next time? That will help tremendously.
  19. I can get some super dank for less then 25$'s not about if you don't have the cash for the weed....I am not being negative, he sold you 25$ of schwagg and it's not even 4g its a little close to 2g which 2g of schwagg would be 10$... just letting you know you got jacked.

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