This is me and I'm hardly alone.

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by When?!!, Feb 17, 2010.

  1. Male
    33 yo

    Completely indy.

    Drive a jeep that I can fix.

    No kids. Nor do I want some.

    No god.
    (I also don't believe in the easter bunny, Santa, or bigfoot. So don't try!)

    Health care?
    I am strong and fit. And have my own.
    Yet I cannot support paying one tax dollar to a GOV that does not care for it's people.

    I pride myself on never needing a damn thing from any living or dead person.

    Registered Libertarian.

    Though I am totally greedy and self centered.
    I pay taxes.
    For your roads.
    For your kids.
    For your well being.
    For your churches.
    For your business, and your society.

    I am an adult.

    And I want my FUCKING GANJA!

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