This is killing me!

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by EndlessNameless, Oct 10, 2008.

  1. Ok so...I haven't smoked in almost 3 years. I slowed down because I got busted by my parents so it wasn't as easy to get away with coming home stoned. I smoked may be once or twice a month after that but eventually I just stopped completely and I never really got the urge to start smoking pot again until now. But the thing is since I'm applying for my U.S Citizenship soon(I have a Permanent Resident Card), I'm not sure if I will be getting drug tested. I don't have to take any tests or anything like that because I've been here since I was a kid but I'm not sure if that means I won't be drug tested. My uncle's stepson got denied a his Permanent Resident Card because they found pot in his system and he had to leave the country for two years. I can NOT live in Mexico, I've been living here since I was a kid and I can't imagine living in Mexico. I'm sending my paperwork in next week and the process should take about 2 or 3 months. I got some pot from one of my friends today and I really want to get high. I guess if I've gone 3 years without pot, I can go without it for a few more months. I CAN'T WAIT!!!111ONEONEONE /Rant
  2. I have no idea if you'll get tested man, but I'd say if it's worrying you and you've already gone 3 years, throw that weed in the freezer and wait the extra couple months. it sounds like it'll be worth it.

    OR if you're sure it'll take a few months to process, then you'd probably be fine smoking now, but you would have to stop with enough time to get all the shit out of your system.
  3. If you stop balzing THC stays in your blood for 2 months maximum, so if your test is later, just light it!
  4. man if you smoke that weed it would be out of your system in a good 3-4 days. dont sweat it.
  5. Just to clarify, because the above posts quoted you 2 months and 3-4 days respectively for the time until THC is out of your system, I just want to say this.

    If you only smoke once, all remnants of THC will be gone in a week, maybe less. If you smoke for a week or two straight, it will be gone in a month, maybe less. If you smoke for years straight, it will be gone in 2 months (although it may be gone in only one, depending on your metabolism).

  6. I can confirm this.

    Smoking up once before your drug test is no big deal, if its gonna be in a few months.
  7. I have no clue if they will test you or not

    But...I personally wouldnt mess with something like this

    If you failing a drug test means having to move to mexico then fuck that...I wouldnt even try it. Better safe then sure with something like this

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