this is going to sound weird, but i need to tell someone.

Discussion in 'General' started by LennonIsYourGod, Jan 13, 2010.

  1. I'm not trolling or trying to get a laugh, this is serious and i just want to no if anyone else does this. When i think of something sexy, i sneeze. This doesnt happen if i look at porn or get with a girl. It only happens with my fantasies. I've done this for as long as i can remember.
  2. from your nose or your penis?
  3. LMAO!!! man that had me laughing so hard..

    But yeah OP, thats kinda strange dog.
  4. llmao, first the nose, then maybe the penis a little while later. That was funny tho.
  5. Hey man, everyone is different. I say kudos to you for being unique. :]
  6. i'm not concerned about it, was just wondering if other people did it.
  7. Interesting maybe your allergic to sexy thoughts if it happened when u were with a girl I'd say pussy allergies idk
  8. Dude I do this too! I also sneeze everytime I look at the snow or the sun no matter what. Haha I thought I was the only one.
  9. idk a sneeze is a 1/8th of a orgasm

  10. So I can sneeze 8 times and have an orgasm?
    Sweet action!

  11. im gunna rub my face on a cat and see if this happens
  12. but then you will be sexually attracted to cats!! D:
  13. EFG go away
  14. wtf i did it right this time.
  15. sorry, i was talking about your avatar. Its kind of an inside joke. But back to the sneezing while fantasizing thing...

  16. theres some kind of science behind it i dont know but looking up at a light when you need to sneeze (sun, lamp, w/e) it'll make u sneeze. it usually works for me - if i feel a sneeze comin i look for a light lol
  17. winning and failing on the interwebz creates an interesting dichotomy eh?

    i barely remember who i am.

  18. I can't stop laughing thats hillarious! (the weed i just smoked prolly has nothing to do with it:rolleyes:)

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