this is f'in bad ass

Discussion in 'General' started by Bluntman00, Oct 18, 2008.

  1. haha holy shit.

    that can do some damage
  2. All that from just match heads and caps... i'll be right back.:rolleyes:
  3. i bet somewhere theres some jerk 10 year old putting one of these on the teachers chair in school
  4. how can he make it explode??

    he didnt explain how the string attach to it and make it explode??
    not making any sense! :confused::confused::confused:
  5. I call bs. Theres no way a few cap things and matchheads can have that much power. Good thing though. You dont want to tell kids how to make real landmines
  6. haha damn that was alot crazier than i expected it to be.. reminds me of the tennis ball bomb
  7. the string didnt make it explode, that was just a weight to simulate someone stepping on it. What he did was fill the tin with caps and match heads, puta nail through it, then he put a single cap on the tip of the nail, and loosely fitted the top part of the tin, taped it shut, then buried it. When its activated the weight pushed the single cap into the nail causing it to ignite and blow up all the caps and match heads in the tin. How the hell it had so much power i have no clue :confused: maybe its because of t he container its in causes all the explosives to shoot up instead of scatter?
  8. uhhh... he dropped a weight on it
  9. Or maybe he faked the explosion:eek:
  10. i dont know maybe he did, either way your still a dick for ruining my fun :(
  11. Haha, I was reading this saying oh man don't blow it, and then he blew it and I wa slike oh that's not going to be fun. I'm bakeeeeed.:smoking:
  12. oh okay, now i see
    stoners mind :smoke:
  13. def fake
  14. great
    now im on a list

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