this is eargasmic.

Discussion in 'Music genres, Bands and Artists' started by Mac Miller, Oct 12, 2010.

  1. yep... eargasmic.
    [ame=]YouTube - Mt Eden Dubstep - Sierra Leone [HD][/ame]
  2. [ame=]YouTube - Dj Italian Sensation - Feel Like Dying[/ame]
    Thats ehhh. Okay but If you in a more insane crazy high then you want this ^^:smoke:
    It picks up at about 1:00

  3. nice name. my best friend plays for them.
  4. whats his name
  5. Thanks Mac Miller. Hella dope.
    For your contribution I give:
    [ame=]YouTube - Bassnectar - Timestretch (West Coast Lo Fi Remix) (Official)[/ame]
  6. dubstep ftw, check out the Quantum Dubstep Remixes on youtube
  7. Theres already a Dubstep thread in THE MUSIC SECTION.

    And the song OP posted has been posted in it atleast 30 times and its not even that great....
  8. Indeed and agreed
  9. I just don't care for it :confused_2:

    Goa Trance is where its at
  10. i like this more

    [ame=]YouTube - Bassnectar - Bass Head (Official)[/ame]

    [ame=]YouTube - Bassnectar - Timestretch (Official)[/ame]

  11. drew ferris

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