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This is a Must See

Discussion in 'Medical Marijuana Usage and Applications' started by medimarijuanfaq, Feb 27, 2009.

  1. I don't know about you, but this could be one of the most obnoxious conversations I have ever heard. I sincerely hope people who are not educated about Medical Marijuana do not see this and side with this know-nothing talking head from Fox News.

    [ame=""]Fox News[/ame]
  2. u know the media is always going to put down mary jane. its a shame they let such ignorant people on t.v.

  3. Agreed. I cant believe how such biased things can be called "news". Let people say whatever they want, but it should not be considered "news".
  4. wow please do not tell me this made the air! that man is a complete fool! why would they let him on the air with that nonsense?:confused_2:
  5. I love how the host sits there and acts like everything he says is hilarious during the conversation. He just laughs at himself and says a bunch of dumb shit.
  6. Holy shit, Glenn Beck is a sad excuse of a person with those types of thoughts and remarks. That is one of the more ridiculously biased videos I've seen.

  7. Yeah, the Fox News talking head was just saying bullet point quotes for other close-minded people can stand around the water cooler at work and say "ran outta money! lets just legalize POT!!!!" and think that they sound enlightened.

  8. I hope people did watch it. Honestly, the stoner made the host look fuckin retarded. The host just laughed and made outlandish statements while the stoner knew what the hell he was talking about and brought up arguments that only got answered with more outlandish statements. Besides, it's what the people in cali want. That is truly what the government is supposed to do, what the fuckin people want. Im getting tired of 60 year old men who know nothing about marijuana(this host put it into the same group as heroin!?! wtf. How many of our congressmen and senators do the same thing) and half the other shit they just partisan vote on making decisions for me. The best olympian in the world smokes it, our last few presidents have admitted to smoking it, our favorite music artists smoke it. I mean fuck. Anyone can be a user, even some of the greatest people on earth.
  9. thats the truth
  10. At least the pro-herb guy got in a good last word before douche-bag cut him off.

    I wish we could get some real publication on tv ...a good like 2 hour session on the history of cannabis and all the good that legalizing really could do.

    And the stone-cold hard facts on the dangers associated with it in comparison to other things that are legal today.
  11. Hopefully one day we can be the ones laughing while those dumb asses are trying to explain why it should be illegal ... that will be the day :cool: .
  12. they shouldnt legalize and tax,
    because they might over tax

    they should just decrimanalize
  13. BOth of those guys were hilarious. I cant believe that guy admitted to doing weed and hard drugs lol he made me laugh so hard.
  14. Wow, it boggles my mind how this asshole was so ignorant that he would not even intelligently acknowledge the other guy's statements. He only made his dumbass self look more like a complete douchebag with those stupid exaggerated faces of his. People like him make me sick. :rolleyes: DESTROYS your lungs? It's on par with heroin?? What.
  15. I just laugh at this type of shit. used to let it get me angry... but seeing those kinds of people spouting such nonsense is just pathetic. :eek:
  16. shallow and pedantic...
  17. I've been considering the possibility that Glen Beck might be a giant douchenozzel. This just confirmed it for me.
  18. haha.. did any one catch the noise he made at 4:23. what the fuck?!? hah
  19. ^^ rofl yea, it seems like he didn't give a a flying fuck about the topic and decided it was all a joke from the beginning.
  20. This guy is a joke.

    He is acting high,when the guy is trying to make a good points.

    "Speeding is against the law people do that too"
    I was like oh fuck, nice.

    The guy made a great point at the end,2 horrible things are already taxed and regulated.
    If weed is so bad it would make a nice trio.

    All in all Fox news looks like a joke.

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