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this has to work

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Skunky Monkey, Oct 8, 2010.

  1. well i was wandering if say you had and oz ad it went moldy, not overly moldy just enough for you to not realy wanna toke it. Could you make hash out of it ??
  2. Try not to consume moldy weed. If you're determined, cooking it in butter or oil would probably be better than smoking it.

    Still, get some fresh stuff instead if at all possible.
  3. well, moldy weed tastes like ass and looks gross, but technically there is no way it can harm you unless you ingest it raw. Whenever you heat, or burn it, it will kill any living organism. If you make hash, especially with alcohol, it will kill everything as well. This way you might actually filter out all the mold as well
  4. BHO that moldy stuff..... just don't blow yourself up k.
  5. This comes up all the time. Here's what I told someone a day or two ago on how to handle moldy bud.

    I have, unfortunately, smoked bud with mold on it when I was younger on two occasions, where I was aware after the fact that mold definitely was present.

    On both occasions I achieved a low-grade lung infection, nothing that required a doctor. But for about 2 weeks after each time, everything I ate and smoked tasted like hell, completely ruined everything I wanted to enjoy for those weeks.

    Those were just the two times I was positive and knew for a fact I had smoked mold, with a 100% sick rate... nothing terribly definitive.

    But on maybe a handful of times after that, when smoking from other peoples bags, whether they were bought or grown, I've had similar infections, probably from smoking undetected moldy weed.

    Could be coincidence, although I never get lung infections otherwise, even when spending time near or around mold, and I have never had a lung infection, or been ill in any way, from smoking weed I grew myself and knew for a fact it was as clean as possible.

    So it seems to me, from my thankfully limited experience with moldy weed, that intentionally inhaling large doses of spores will probably not be good for you

    Now this is just my body, and I know a few people personally who claim (probably foolishly, but it's not for me to prove them wrong) that they don't 'feel' anything bad when they smoke mold, so they don't turn down moldy bud like I do when it's offered.

    It's up to you really, but you know what your gut is telling you if you had to ask: that it's probably not a great idea.

    If more than 30%-40% of the bud on any given plant has visible, detectable mold, odds are even the 'clean' looking areas unfortunately aren't safe either. Usually once you have visible mold to that degree, the rest of the plant is covered in spores getting ready to become the above.

    I say specifically on 'any given plant', rather than 30-40% of your total harvest, because obviously if 30-40% of the whole crop itself is moldy, but it's just a few plants making up that entire percentage, and you have another few plants that are visibly mold free, those plants were probably somehow healthier than the rest, and due to their vigor, they were spared the infection if that makes sense. Plants have natural defenses against mold, even when it's present (say on a wall, or other nearby structure), but a sick plant will have weaker defenses, and easily succumb to illness.

    That being said, the best thing you can do for your moldy bud, would be to make some ISO or hot/fast cannabutter. Other extraction methods will likely not neutralize the mold or spores, so avoid other extraction options unless they similarly include heat and alcohol exposure.

    Smoking a bowl 'sounds' like it should work safely... but only if you don't actually think about it.

    People assume; "oh, with smoking a bowl, you're lighting it on fire, that should kill it"... but remember, you are drawing the smoke through all the un-burned bud and spores in the base of that bowl pack, and molds that form under light exposure (ie. most of the kinds of molds that effect us) are unusually heat-resistant, particularly if you do what people call 'cornering' a bowl which draws only cool air though the un-charred bud.
    So those first few hits absolutely allow living spores to enter your system.. and yes, even through a bong =-P
  6. I would convert it to some edibles, some product where the plant matter is largely disposed of AND that isn't inhaled. Once inhaled, spores are very good at infecting the lungs, and very hard to be rid of.
  7. I can only say that for myself after doing BHO with moldy shake I had zero side effects after proper purging.

    I am "extremely" allergic to molds, its my number one allergen and had to wear a rated mask and gloves to harvest it to make BHO rather than write off my effort.

    To each their own.....

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