this happened to me 2 days ago

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by rolla joint, Aug 17, 2012.

  1. I couldn't find any good around so i went & got this cut of some damn good mid for 30...literally the only weed I'm driving down the street and some lady tries to stop me like desperately waving her hand "stop" out her window at me & stops in the middle of the idk why but i put the weed under my seat..i just drive around her and since the bud was so expensive i went to this parking lot to weigh it...i pull the bag out and the fucker i pick up almost all of it and it was since it was over i thought there could be more under the seat (and there was)...but i go to move my seat back to look for it and boom...knocked the scale over and allllll the weed is in between my seat & the center in the rail that the seat slides on and everything after 20 mins of digging through my car in this parking lot i salvaged 3.2....then i get home and we were hanging at this church where i rolled that into 3 doobies...forgot them all on the church steps & found them there the next morning...damn
  2. woah that some cursed weed
  3. Haha sounds like it could be karma my friend. Should have stoped to help the lady trying to flag you down. ;)
  4. She looked mad as f word that's why she scared me haha....cuz i kinda thought it was a dont come into my neighborhood and buy dope kinda thing lol

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