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This guys house is cooler than yours

Discussion in 'General' started by Havok Se7en, Dec 30, 2012.

  1. My girl just showed me this house, the dinosaurs are there year round.

    Attached Files:

  2. thats badass haha
  3. Thats funny because I live in a brontosaurus...


  4. I've been to your house many times haha.
  5. hahaha I've been a few times. Nice little stop for a date shake haha.


    Fuck... Now I want one...
  6. Could you imagine being a little kid that grew up in that neighborhood? That house would be like the scariest shit ever lol.

  7. I don't think I've ever been during the day but a milk shake sounds fucking good. I usually end up there around midnight haha.
  8. The windmill market next to the dinos sells them. World famous... God damnit. I REALLY WANT ONE NOW. Fuckin palm springs has to be 2 hours away.

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