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This guy...

Discussion in 'Marijuana Consumption Q&A' started by ßailey, Jan 27, 2014.

  1. This guy makes me laugh. Seriously these kind of people are a joke!
    Got him fucked now and he even tries to defend himself.
    At this point i don't really give two fucks about him and just continue with the small talk.
    *shoots myself*
    What do you guys think haha

  2. #2 Jingo Dookstain, Jan 27, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 27, 2014
  3. lol what a tool
  4. "smells very weedy"
    Seems legit.
  5. thats pretty bizarre. not sure how you dug up that 3 year old thread on cue to call him out, but good job i guess.
  6. Searched google for '3.5 grams of bud on scales' it was in the first row and it just happened to link back here to a 3 year old thread haha.
  7. he said what the "fark"..... fark=narc=a nono. unless you like jail.
  8. #8 Smokeymcbongs, Jan 27, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 27, 2014
    lol what thats all little buds pressed together? then how come its on one stem? seems SUPER legit.... wtf you meet this guy in front of the police station?
  9. I am convinced that this guy has never smoked weed. And the terminology he used made me crack the fuck up
    Thing is when i said dank, he goes 'whats that haha?' so i explained it to him but just decided to cut that part out of the pictures didn't want to make him look even more retarded.
  11. [quote name="ßailey" post="19420259" timestamp="1390885029"]Thing is when i said dank, he goes 'whats that haha?' so i explained it to him but just decided to cut that part out of the pictures didn't want to make him look even more retarded.[/quote] ahh hahaha that's hilarious. What a fucking tool
  12. lol bet the bud he had looked nothing like the pic

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