This gives me hope in the world

Discussion in 'General' started by married2mj, Dec 2, 2011.

  1. So today I was at the beach...high..for the first time in months. I finish smoking and walk to the other side of the beach and all of a sudden I see fucking this:


    These pictures don't really do justice. The sky was straight up orange...way more-so than in the picture. And the whole scene was just fucking orgasmic like wow wtf. But I said to myself..."After all the fucked up shit that's happened in my life...after all the fucked up shit that happens in the world every single can the world be so beautiful? How can I come here on an ordinary Thursday night, get stoned, and witness something so magnificent."

    It truly is amazing. <3 Weed. Maybe there's hope after all. :bongin:.
  2. Congrats on tokin up again man!
    These pictures are gawjus. Whats the location? Florida or something?

  3. Connecticut lol. It was nice and chilly :p
  4. Didn't see that shit comin xD
    your a fuckin' polar bear, bro

  5. Yeah well...if I can be high all the time...then it's always beautiful :D. But yeah I forgot how beautiful the world truly can be and have been focusing too much on what's terrible. Maybe a mix of the two mindsets is most healthy though :confused_2:
  6. I was hoping to see a picture of a shark breaching. Still cool any way
  7. At first I thought I was looking at rocks floating on water creating a bridge that leads underground to some modern atlantis.

  8. haha on low tide u can see the whole thing but its crappy and old as fuck and you cant walk much further down than i did...but the bridge is on complete land during low tide. this beach is a really awesome place to go...very secluded and unique
  9. Sick smoking spot with a view!
  10. if i were you?

    manly tears woulda been shed haha.

    goddamn nature while high <3.

    i always had a forest trail back home that i would walk through blitzed.

    will never forget the high memories i had there haha. looked like this

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