This Girl Is So Damn Confusing What Does She Want?

Discussion in 'Sex, Love & Relationships' started by TheCrimsonKing, May 17, 2013.

  1. So I've met this girl like 3 weeks ago we hit it off real well and shit we hung out almost every day. 
    We txt constantly and she said she liked me and i liked her. She said she's had a crush on me for like a half year too, which is pretty cool. I kinda liked her too a bit.
    So everyone was saying she liked me and she even said she thought we would be a great couple, so I asked her out yesterday and she said yes. 
    So today she was giving me the cold shoulder kind of being all quiet and shit. She said it was her period, i'm like okay...
    So I txted her and she says she's terrified of relationships and has been freaking out since I asked her out (???? WTF ???) and that she always fucks them up and doesn't want to get hurt.
    She says she wants to date me but doesn't at the same time, what the hell?
    So yea she's txting me freaking out and I'm like obviously this relationship is going to stress you the fuck out so I just ended it. 
    She said she wants to keep talking but I'm like no bitch i don't get friend zoned.
    What the hell is wrong with this girl? She has depression and anxiety problems do I though.

  2. She's probably not experienced with relationships or has had bad experiences with them. You should've comforted her and shown her that you two can make it work out. I don't know the situation but I think you just threw something incredible away
    Nah, it sounds like it would've been one of those relationships where she would have ended up cheating on OP. She was probably testing OP, and OP was like I ain't no beta BIOTTCHH!!!, I think OP made a great decision.
  4. SIGH.....another lesson to be taught...
    Ok, so we go to school and learn reading ,writing and arithmatic. We put man on the moon and split the atom in 2. But for the life of us, we cannot figure out women. They are the strangest creatures on Earth.
    Now look down at you hand. Your hand loves you. Your hand will never txt bullshit to you. No head trips. Love your hand.
  5. Shoulda of just been like "Hey let's just go on a date together, let's worry about the relationship part later"
  6. Yo man give her time. She prolly has had bad relationship problems before and is scared to try agai. But If u really like this girl. Than u would be her friend and work ur way up to being her BF. show her how good of a BF u can be and then she will become comfortable and start to want to be with u. It takes time if u want to work at it. Don't just give up so easily. And if she still doesn't want to date. At least try to get ur dick wet with her. Something sexual. And if she doesn't even want to do that, and it's been more than half a year. Move on to the next ;)
  7. let me make a correction. he threw out something potentially* incredible. we don't know what the girl was thinking. anything could've been going through her head. she seemed to really like op and she was honest with him that she is scared of relationships. ive never been in a relationship but if I were op I would've given it time.
  8. Are today's young guys usually this clueless?
  9. ok now that I'm drunk I know the answer......she wants p n vg
  10. well he could have talked to her first and asked her why she is scared and told her that she shouldn't be scared and he's a good guy.  but other than that what else can he do? beg her to be in a relationship with him?
    it's hard to say. it could be that she was telling the truth, and he screwed up. but also maybe she is interested in another guy. girls sometimes won't date you because they like another guy more and want to be single and wait around for the other dude.
  12. You made the right decision man, and I really do commend you for it. This GIRL would be a disaster relationship for you, your senses are definitely correct. Don't ever put up with this kind of drama,  women know what they want, this is a girl.
    Bullshit. A few problems? She's a damn head case. There are a ton of women out there, why should he waste his time with a little girl?
    Indecision = insanity.
    Don't do it OP. Been there, done that. NOT WORTH IT.
    Find a better girl who actually tries for a relationship.
  16. #16 zigzagAbuser, May 17, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: May 17, 2013
    I view it as something easily overcome... then again, after  some trying and explanation or talking, if she isn't willing to try and help herself and the relationship, that's when she becomes a headcase. To just throw the towel in over basically nothing(as it sits right now) is a bit premature to me.
    Nah, bitch can figure her own shit out. Time is too precious to waste on this kind of garbage drama.
  18. But if she figures her shit out and it turns out she was the one... then he's wasted his whole life, the one already passed him by. Gotta be delicate about these decisions, not just be all ok at this exact moment this isn't what that is and this is that and peeeeeeeeeace. lol. Life is long, I'm sure out of the 480ish months left he has on earth he can sacrifice one for 1 girl.
    This all the way, don't waste your time OP. If she's waffling, tell her kick rocks. If she wants the relationship she'll really push for it. That's the way girls like to work. 
  20. dont turn romeo on this bitch. fuck and leave. 

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