How can someone abuse a dog like this? Our family got her from the pound. She's a beaut! She literally saved my life once, man. Love this dog.
Some people just don't know what they have. She looks so sweet lol. How could anyone do anything to that face?
I know these 3 kids from high school that actually killed a dog. And the worst part about it is how they did it. It's pretty safe to say they are alcoholics. So one night they just got liquored up I guess, and decided "hey lets go kill a dog". They found a random dog, in a kennel or something, and literally kicked it to death. And used a baseball bat on it a couple times. I have never since, and never will speak to these kids again. It's saddening that one's life can be that hateful, and tormented to actually recieve some sort of pleasure out of killing an innocent animal.