This chick is giving me mixed signals. What to do?

Discussion in 'Sex, Love & Relationships' started by goham, Jan 28, 2011.

  1. Here's my dillema: (This shit happens to me a lot and I never know how to play it)

    There's a HB 9 that I'm trying to get with that I met recently. We text sometimes and have had small talk in a class I took this past semester with her. We haven't actually hung out other than that though.

    Anyways, she texts me to see what I'm doing on weekends and I do the same with her sometimes. A couple weeks ago I texted her to see if she wanted to go see a movie but she already had plans to go chill with her girlfriends in another town but asked if we could do it the next weekend. So I texted her a few days later, gave her some push/pull in the convo and got some good responses but then I asked if we were still on to go see that movie for the weekend and she didn't respond..

    Now, yesterday she wrote on my facebook wall "marco" (stealing that line from me that I used on her last time we talked lol) so I waited and responded a few hours later with just "polo". Soon after that she sent me a text asking what I was doing for the night..I told her I was goin out to this club (where everyone goes usually on thirsty thursday) but she didnt feel like goin and told me to let her know if I don't go there. I said "ok" and left it at that.

    How should I play it with this chick? I've already asked her out on a date and she didnt respond so I didnt want to look desperate so I never brought it up again.

    Should I ask her out again? She seems interested but I dont wanna put her on a pedistool because I know guys drool over her all the time..
    What should I do?

    (sorry for the long post)
  2. My motto, keep trying until they say no.

  3. I'm the last guy you want advice from but here's my 2 cents.

    You actually played that pretty well just by replying "ok". Makes it seem like you could care less, and for some reason girls like that, I guess because they want to chase you.

    Just go to the club without her and over the next few weeks let her come onto you. If it gets to the point where she really seems like she wants another chance, just get straight to the point and say:

    You: What are you doing _____ night?
    Her: Nothing, you? (<assuming she says this)
    You: Nice... I'll pick you up at ____ o clock, wear something nice :)

    From what I've learned, girls love it when you're assertive. i.e. you tell them what's going to happen, rather than constantly asking their permission to do something.

    BUT like I said I'm terrible at dates and a self proclaimed pussy when it comes to girls, so take it or leave it, that's my advice to you :smoke:
  4. Well, youve got her in a really good spot it seems
    From what i can tell, is that shes interested but isnt sure about you, which is perfect
    id say go for it

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