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This baby look big enough to take outside?

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Outdoors' started by rtlshred, Jun 9, 2009.

  1. 12 leaves total, just in case the picture isn't clear.

    My spot outside is ready, just need to transplant

    about 2 weeks old.

    Attached Files:

  2. How big is the pot you have it growing in, waiting for the roots to completly fill it up is key before transplanting.

    I would say let them grow another week in the pot under the sun to harden them off then transplant in the ground,

  3. pot is about 7" deep 4.5" wide
  4. Uh, Yea. Unless its going to rain the entire next week, then I think your all set. MJ plants are very strong, plus yours looks very healthy. Good job so far.:hello:
  5. #5 cantharis, Jun 9, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 9, 2009
    Yes, I put mine outside as soon as they sprout. MJ can take full sun from day one, been doing it for millions of years, seedlings do NOT need acclimatising to the sun. People keep them indoors to protect them from FROST, but that is another matter.
  6. OP, sounds like good advice. Thanks for the tip Cantharis. I was going to wait awhile before I put them out into the garden.
  7. put em in like a 10 gallon pot. unless u want some small ass plants that produce like a half ounce each lol.

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