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This article shocked me, it is indeed a goverment cover up

Discussion in 'Marijuana Legalization' started by wowee123, Jan 20, 2010.

  1. Researchers Find Study of Medical Marijuana Discouraged -

    This article sort of ticked me off, the government basically doesn't allow anyone but them selfs and the people that are anti-marijuana to do research on it legally. And its the only drug in the US thats like this, meaning people can do plenty of research on cocaine and heroin but weed is so bad that no one can.
  2. Really nice find man and great article. The NIDA, DEA, ONDCP and FDA make any meaningful research impossible. Instead they continue to base their lies on erroneous studies such as Dr. Heath's 1974 rhesus monkey experiment, or the dated and flawed study of Swedish Army conscripts in 1969 linking marijuana with schizophrenia. Even when some research is done, and is found to have a positive impact, like the 1999 study by the Institue of Medicine, which concluded that cannabis did have beneficial effects to stimulate appetite, and provide relief from anxiety and nausea; the findings are downplayed and the negative effects of smoking accentuated. It's a straw argument, which falls apart when you consider alternative delivery methods like vaporizers, edibles, and tinctures.

    They say cannabis growers and users, whether they be involved with scientific, medicinal or recreational pursuits, are criminals; but in my mind the prohibitionist forces in the government who deny research applications and suppress scientific evidence, while arresting 800k otherwise law abiding citizens each year, are the real criminals.

    Sorry about the rant. While I'm never surprised by the lengths the government will go to to perpetuate their lies, my outrage over it is not diminished, nor is my resolve to do something about it. I hope the article you posted, and this forum here encourage more people to get involved with the anti-prohibition movement, either by supporting MPP, engaging in grassroots activism in their home states, or simply trying to educate those around them.
  3. What really gets me is that this corruption and lieing is so clear but nothing is being done to stop it. Because the government has set up so many laws and loopholes for there own protection. Not to mention that amount of money all these agencies get for the fight against drugs, around 70% of which is against marijuana. This money is from us the tax payers. Wouldn't it make more sense to spend that money on improving schools, creating new industries, solving the health care crisis, don't forgot the 3 trillion dollar debt we are in.

    All this makes me come to the conclusion that the majority of the goverment is not made to server the people, but is more of a money making machine. Greed has overcome everything, why else would the NIDA, DEA, ONDCP and FDA be against marijuana. There is no other reasons, unless they are retarded and illiterate.

    Another fact is that they must know why it was made illegal in the first place. It was all founded on racism, why is no one speaking out about this, they are basically supporting discrimination.

    There is my rant. :rolleyes::smoking:

    II guess this is why they don't want me to smoke weed, i just owned there asses.
  4. From NORML
    So.. basically if the NIDA dissappears we win.
  5. Hey man, good article. But actually, this is a good time to find that. If you go over to YouTube - Kanaal van citizentube and go to Health Care, on the first page I have a question for Obama about this exact issue. I urge you guys to go vote on it, and to tell your friends to vote. The first step is stopping these agencies from hindering science.

  6. At least its not as bad as here, the UK government funded a research study recently into the harms of drugs and Prof. David Nutt published that LSD and Cannabis were less harmful than both Alcohol and Tobacco and should be decriminalised and they rejected the findings, he then stressed on the importance of the data from the study and was sacked from the ACMD(Advisory Council on the Misuse of Drugs) a government council
    Sacked drugs adviser David Nutt launches rival committee | Society |

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