Thinning Concentrates for vape pens

Discussion in 'Smoking Accessories Q&A' started by VaperKI, Dec 17, 2013.

  1. I have recently been trying building my own pen vape for concentrates, and all is going well, but the biggest problem is getting solid concentrates to melt enough to get down to the coil of the atomizer.
    I have seen a lot of posts about tinctures, but that is not what I am asking about here.
    I am wondering if there is a way to make my more solid concentrates into more of a runny consistency so that it will move down easier in the atomizer? Currently the only way I know is by heat, and they take a good amount of heat from a lighter to start to form a liquid.
    Any tips to make the process of using my ecig easier and not having to take the mouth piece off between every 2 hits to heat up the atomizer again are all welcome, I really just want the process to go smoothly enough so that I can use it for 1 session without having to worry about dry burning while all my wax is stuck to the sides after a hit or two.


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