I'm gonna cut right to the chase, I commute to university and I have a 3 hour gap between my classes on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. I need suggestions as to what is the quickest/easiest vape to operate for a quick puff or two in my car when I get out of my first class. For effectiveness' sake, Im leaning more towards an oil vape. Any feedback is great, thanks, dudes.
load up an mflb with dank, and you won't need and oil pen, but you can also get a concentrates tray for the MFLB. I've never used a concencrate tray, but will order one next time I get hash.
If you're going for stealth I'd say maybe the Pax or Davinci Ascent, but those are around $250, and the Pax doesn't get the greatest vapor but the Davinci is a good product but new. I would recommend the Arizer Solo, it gets the best vapor on the market IMO, it's been out a while and been proven to work, and is around 150-225 depending where.
Funny you mention the Arizer, my brother used to have one and it was tops, put that in a to-go cup and you're good to go. Thanks for the reminder, dude! Though, the Pinnacle Pro looks sweet.
pinnacle pro..stealth as fuck without the water tube, I use my water tube when at home. Here's my car charger
[quote name="lFourTwenty" post="19338913" timestamp="1389720179"]pinnacle pro..stealth as fuck without the water tube, I use my water tube when at home.[/quote]this this and thisi never leave home without it, works amazing with oils, fuckin breeze to clean and ship back if there is a problem (and they stand behind their products). only downside is its more of a personal piece, not to be shared with large groups. they do sell a holder for 6 more "casings" that you can pre pack though if you wanna go to a party loaded.