Has anyone here tried it? My dad bought the program and has already finished, and judging off him i can tell it definitly works. Ive tried a couple of the sessions just to get a feel of it and its a bitch...i just dont know if I can manage to keep up the motivation to do it for 90 days..
if you are trying to put on MUSCLE/ SIZE NOOOOO p90x if you have extra fat you want to lose first, or like to get a good physical foundation then do p90x. p90x will improve all aspects physically from flexibility to weightlosss, to strength, endurance etc etc. so if ur fat or havent really worked out then start the p90x man! actually nvm p90x is not a program for beginners. you have to be in already good shape. theres other programs for your goals. what are your goals?
I just started p90x and it is a very intense workout. I wouldnt suggest trying it if you didnt already own it. Its a program that requires a shitload of dedication and effort. Its all on you, so you only have yourself to blame if you dont give it all you got. I will disagree that you have to be in great shape to use it. It shows you modified moves to help you ease into it, and you can take breaks if you have too. You just have to keep pushing yourself each time. Not sure if you're a fan of Bruce Lee but this always inspires me
I have the dvd's as well, and while it can be difficult to keep up with the workout for 90 days, remember, its all about pushing yourself, not necessarily keeping up with what they're doing. Do as many reps of each exercise that YOU can currently accomplish and you'll get there eventually. If you're really not that sure if you're in shape enough to be using P90X, your dad should have gotten a manual that has a fitness test in it that you can compare yourself to. This shouldn't be that important though, because if you have the motivation, you'll get there. If you're that worried about having motivation, just look at your dad! he's walking proof that it works, and any concerns you have i'm sure you could talk to him about. Hell, if you don't feel like working out alone on the dvd, drag HIM back into it! The more people know about your goals and what you're doing, the more driven you'll be to fulfill them because more people will know and will be cheering you on. Good luck!
If you're untrained, it's a hell of a good way to start. It really depends on your goals. I like to use P90X and Insanity occasionally for conditioning for rugby.
Thanks for the input guys! Not saying I dont have any muscle, but im way closer to the skin and bones kind of build than I am fat. Id say im somewhat in shape although I havent been very active since it started getting cold. Also, im looking to build muscle, just not to a degree that would drastically change my body type.
What kind of exercise experience do you have? Include sports teams, hobbies, etc. Like I said, if you're fairly untrained, P90X will help- it's great in that it's very structured; so as long as you follow everything they say you will get results, including building muscle (one more time the muscle building will only be significant IF YOU'RE UNTRAINED). However there are certainly more efficient ways to build muscle, like traditional hypertrophy training. Look into Starting Strength by Mark Rippetoe if muscle mass if your main goal. It's the best beginner lifting program I know of I believe there are many places that post the whole thing online short of torrents.
Honestly, P90X is a great way to build muscle if you are pushing yourself, eating good amounts of protein and calories and the similar. You DO NOT HAVE TO BE IN SHAPE to do P90X.. It is a common misconception that you have to keep up with the people.. Go at your own pace you're in your living room. Take your time/struggle wtf ever.. Yes, you "could" lose a lot of weight if you follow the routine but you don't have to do Kimbo/Cardio/Plyo which is high fat burning/weight loss. Just focus on the hard core weight training exercises and push yourself & you should be able to bulk up a good amount. 160$ is a lot to spend on routine of exercises which you could learn to do online for free.