Thinking About Growing

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by ColtHardic, Oct 6, 2010.

  1. Now I have smoked a lot of pot in the 17 years that I have been alive. I have been smokin it since I was 9 but I have started to think about growing it. Now I live in Pennsylvania like out in the sticks where there are a lot of woods and shit. Nothing really happens around here. No cops for a couple towns around. But I am going to be getting weed soon from my dealer and it still has the seeds in it. Do you think that it would be possible to be able to save the seeds til next season to grow em then? Or should I wait til next season to get some seeds? Thank you.
  2. Yeah you can keep seeds for well over a year just keep em in a cool dark place in a glass jar or something and away from any moisture or humidity. Try to get seeds from the dankest shit you can find. Be careful growin outdoors(I only grow indoors;)) read up on guerilla grow tactics you DO NOT want to get caught not sure how harsh the laws are up there but you can do some serious time if you get caught in most places in the u.s. Peace:smoke:
  3. yea store your seeds in a light proof air tight container like a pill bottle os sumthing in a baggie with some silca beads people might say put it in the fridge but i dont just in my closet and you should think about growing indoors way quicker and safer
  4. I completely agree there's no need to put them in the fridge as long as there not getting any light or moisture they should be fine:smoke:

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