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Thinking about doing acid soon... sitter?

Discussion in 'Pandora's Box' started by Paco1524, Aug 8, 2008.

  1. My friend and I know a kid who is trying to get rid of some acid. My friend asked me if I wanted to try it, and although I was hesitant at first, I'm coming around to the idea. I've heard that you should have a sitter when you are tripping, in case anything happens, and if so then that means that my friend and I will have to each trip on separate occasions while the other acts as the sitter. This sounds super boring, seeing as a trip lasts about ten hours, and I'd have little to do but make sure my friend doesn't run out into the street while he's tripping. Also, we'd have to find two days where we are both completely free and nobody is home the entire day. It seems like it would be much easier if we were to both do it at the same time. Is it really dangerous to have two people tripping for the first time at the same time without a sitter?
  2. I wouldn't first time trip without a sitter.... but thats just me.
  3. yes, someone to walk you through it would be good
    otherwise you might feel the need to come clean to your parents or go to the ER (don't do either)
    you should do it together, but get someone thats done it before to join you
    just the 2 of you, even if only 1 doses, isn't really a good idea
    just remember:
    its just the acid & it will go away
  4. two people tripping at the same time for the first time without a sitter is fine, usually each other's irrational ideas will be balanced out and nothing too bad can happen
  5. might
    might not
  6. #6 shindlers black, Aug 8, 2008
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 8, 2008
    nah you dont need a sitter for acid
    the first time i had shrooms i had them in the morning by myself, and took off in my car driving around the city by myself, was awesome
    and i had acid for the first time that same night, its not intense enough to need a sitter, unless youre doing thumb prints or taking like 8 hits for your first time, i was driving and shit the first time i took 2 hits of gellies

    acid is NOWHERE near as intense as you guys are trying to make it sound, when i trip my friends say they cant even tell that im tripping, im just more giggly and stuff
    and its not like actual hallucinations, like ducks and elephants running around, just things moving and morphing and stuff, and your still in your normal state of mind, just you think like einstein
  7. you dont need a sitter for acid dude.. the first time i did it, me and 2 of my friends were all tripping and we even went home where his parents were and we acted fine
  8. I have been in some pretty daunting situations by myself, it is pretty hard to escape madness without a sitter. My bad trips last like 30-40 minutes. I usually have a great time with the LSD though.
  9. find a safe place to do it then you both should take it acid is awesome
  10. its always good to have a friend near by even if their tripping too.

  11. It may have been awesome but that's a pretty idiotic and selfish thing to do. You may think you have it all under control, like most people do when they're driving under the influence. Think about the other people on the road. It's not very fair to put their lives in danger. Stay at home while you're tripping

    It's a good idea to have a sitter. If you've got your friend I'd say you'll be fine with the both of you tripping at the same time, at least you've got each other. Just be in a comfortable setting.
  12. ^^^ Yeah....

    If you have a sboer person with you then they can help with things you might need to leave for.... like pizza
  13. Deffinately eat some good blotter mayne. It will change your life for the better.
    I ate 4 hits of family fluff last yesterday, best LSD worldwide hands down. Tripped NUTS last night haven't even slept haha.
  14. It is defiantly a good idea to have a sitter for that, especially if it's your first time. I've never dropped any but I know I wouldn't do it without a sitter. I know I would end up outside for sure. Have Fun Man.
  15. first time i did cid i dropped alone. just me, no sitter, and it was an awesome experience.

    but thats just me man. im kinda crazy

    but as long as you feel comfortable with yourself and your mental clarity you will be fine
  16. Who are these days...?

    Have a sitter on speed dial... pizza is always good... driving first time on acid though is not as good.
    I never took cid, but my friends tell me that it's 80% mental and hallucinations are just like a plus. Hope you have fun with it.

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