Think this study is at all biased?

Discussion in 'General' started by chiefton8, Jun 12, 2008.

    Government conducted, government reported, government analysis. I know this theory has been going around for years, but does the government really need to keep reporting this kind of manipulation again and again?

    Personally, my favorite quote from the article is:

    "A report from the office last month found that a teenager who has been depressed in the past year was more than twice as likely to have used marijuana than teenagers who have not reported being depressed - 25 percent compared with 12 percent."

    Is that supposed to be a reflection on horrors of marijuana, or on depressed kids who need an outlet to relieve depression? I swear these people need to review their first grade lessons on the "relationship between cause and effect" theory. It ranks right up there with the statistic, "Students who received a grade of D or lower were 4 times more likely to have smoked marijuana in the last month." Again, while probably 'true', it is a perfectly worded statement that is intentionally made to manipulate those who read it into thinking that this totally useless statement is something that is not actually true or supported by the data, that is the idea that marijuana causes students to fail out of school.
  2. The problem with this kind of thinking is that they assume you will smoke a set amount. thats like going to get drunk, so you take 8 shots, because you decided before you would take 8 shots. you could be shitfaced, and you could be sober, but after 8 shots your done. It's amazingly stupid to assume anyone thinks like that. I decide how high I want to get, and I smoke untill it happens. If I have schwag, i might smoke 15 bowls. If I have dro, I might smoke one or 2, ill still stop because at this time I will be having conversations with household objects :p
  3. The only one talking the truth in that report is Mitch.

    Walters and Volkow are straight up liers

    The link on that page is interesting, Mitch and Marsha Rosenbaum are good people who can be trusted to tell the truth. It's interesting they were used to write the tips instead of some ONDCP lackie.
  4. yet such simple logic seems to elude the most 'brilliant' political leaders of our country. ironic huh? :wave:

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