Think of a random bong name

Discussion in 'General' started by Atlas, May 25, 2009.

  1. 1-hit wonder.
  2. Willard Jackson III
  3. Paul.

    "Haha what a ridiculous name for a bong! That's a persons' name! A peerrsons' name haha ohh Paul."
  4. Bong time, no see! :D
  5. Foxy Lady.
  6. dude bong
  7. i have 3 bongs my purple on is delilah my green one is riddick and my blue one is bubbles :p my bowl is named rockyripper
  8. Professor Milk
  9. Lenny


    call it Christopher Walken, then designate a bag to put it in which u name these boots, thus these boots were made for Walken

  10. i like your style

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