think my elbow is broken

Discussion in 'General' started by xLoneWolfx, Dec 20, 2012.

  1. Wow man.. Way to freak me the fuck out
  2. I'd go tomorrow just to get it over with. I hate dealing with packed Saturday doctor's office and radiology department. Plus, I want to know if I have any type of fracture as soon as possible.
  3. Idk if ill be able to sleep after reading what that guy said. I'm going to make my mom take me tomorrow. I'm so fucking worried right now.
  4. Please quit giving advice if you don't know what the hell your talking about. Even a doctor can't tell if its fractured without an X- ray. Don't listen to if you can still move it your ok, that's dumb. As soon as you tell the doctor it feels broken or it doesn't feel normal, he will get you an xray. Best thing if you can do before you make it to the doctor is immobilize the arm and stop trying to use it. You can ice the area and elevate it to reduce the swelling. If you do have bone shards from a cracked bone they can cause more damage and also get up against a nerve (not good). Hope this helps. Peace
  5. What about an infection like that guy said? Do you think I'll be okay until tomorrow? I'm just worried they will tell me u need surgery or something and I've never had surgery. I have a immense fear of being put to sleep
  6. Okay don't freak out .. This happened to my friend except he wasn't drunk he hit it hard on a pole trying to turn around .. (Long story)

    BUT you will be fine he had cracked his bone but nothing serious like the girl said put ice on it and make sure u go to the doctor ASAP u shouldn't have to worry about infections no time soon just don't let it sit bc it will heal it just won't heal correctly ..

    I fractured my wrist and I never went to the doctor a friend of mines popped it back Into place PAINFUL experience but to this day it hurts once in a while and that was 3 yrs ago .. It's actually hurting right now

    But depending on how bad it is u may have to get surgery .. Bc they will have to fix it .. But if it is hurting bad take an aspirin and PUT ICE ON IT it will slow down the swelling Kay

    Hope I helped a little
  7. You got one hell of a hot elbow op. I've never been so turned on before. More pics please
  8. Hahaha. Elbow fetish?
  9. Oh that's only if you like, go a week without treatment.

    You'll be fine, but dont wait too long.
  10. I don't know, but something about the size of his weenis turns me on
  11. It happened last Sunday so it's almost been a week..
  12. Watch for signs of infection. One major sign would be in the swelling.. has it gotten worse everyday since the event? It is the swelling gone down? Is the area Hott or warmer than the surrounding area? If the elbow starts turning pink or red watch this area close. If its growing you have an infection. Also check your temp. Do you have a fever?
  13. Slightly warmer but not much. Not very swollen. Area is slightly darker than the rest. Mom says I don't need to go to the Dr. Her boyfriend called his Dr and he said if it was broken it would be swollen really bad and I'd be in a lot of pain. Okay... I can feel the fucking crack in it..
  14. If it was broken you probably couldn't move it kid. Never broken an elbow, just fingers and hands. Could hardly cup my hand when I broke it. You would be in a lot more pain then you're in.
    You're only argument is you can kinda feel a crack? Ehhh, not a real good argument. Not like the elbow is one straight bone ya know.

    Doctors won't do much besides a sling like someone said.
    If it is broken then its just a hairline fracture, just take it easy and don't go get too fuckin hammered to walk lol.
    Good luck with it.
  15. You probably have a capillary fracture. Drink milk, you'll be fine.
  16. Well I will tell you that the "crack" I feel is about 1 inch long and it feels like you could fit a credit card between it. My other elbow is not like that. The crack is running not left to right but up and down like if I have my arm straight down to my side, it's along the hard boney part of your elbow which I forgot what it's called.
  17. Don't freak out about waiting for the doctor. I shattered my wrist two years ago and waited to see a doctor for a week and a half. I had surgery about 4 days after I saw the doctor.

    Some ppl on here are just talking out their ass. Don't rush to the hospital and waste resources until you are certain there is something wrong. Your arm is NOT going to rot off in a week from a fracture.

    I finally knew my wrist was jacked up bigtime when the swelling finally receded and the heaviest thing I could pick up was a cup of coffee. I was essentially only gripping the cup with my muscles while my hand hung limp (there was no supporting bone structure for my hand).

    Try comparing what you can lift with each arm and see how dramatic the difference is.

    Get better soon!
  18. Well, I'm fucked. My mom and her bf won't take me to the Dr cuz its like $200 and my mom's already spent like $500 on me since I've been in cali on vacation. Everyone just keeps saying it's not broken and I can see a Dr when I get back home after christmas lmao. Telling me it isn't broken when I can feel a huge fucking crack. I'm so fucking pissed right now
  19. If you're not even sure how you hurt your elbow, I doubt it's broken...

    Broken bones hurt like a bitch and you usually realize you broke something right when it happens.............if it IS broken, it's probably just a hairline fracture that will heal itself in time. Just try to limit the movement until it starts to feel a little better.
  20. I have a possible broken knuckle/hand atm, can't bend my finger without my palm cracking but cant get to the doctor. It's annoying aint it.

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