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Think ill be clean in 2 weeks?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by BurtonSnow, Jun 7, 2009.

  1. So I have to take a drug test in 2 weeks, it will be one of those home drug test ones. My employer is also a family friend, so he even told me its a home drug test and he knows I smoke haha. Pretty much he does it for the insurance and workers comp to be cheaper.

    Anyways I have been smoking pretty much every day for a year now. Never taken a break or anything. So I weigh 130 lbs and 5' 9", Have about 3-4% body fat. I am pretty active, always doing something I am never just sitting around on my ass.

    So If I take 500mg of niacin and 500mg of cranberry extract a day, along with 5-7ls of water, think I could cheat the test? I have been reading and people say that a consistent smoker can have traces of THC in them for up to 90 days :eek::eek::eek:
  2. You may be able to. I would recommend purchasing a home drug test from a grocery or convenience store, and testing yourself. That way, you would know if you're going to pass or fail before taking the real thing.

    And also, if he is a family friend and knows you have been smoking, he should cut you some slack and either give you more time to become clean or dis-regard a fail and let you retake.
  3. Do what your doing and drink a shit load of water so your piss is clear all the time
  4. Why are you changing your story? Just to start another thread? Your other thread said it was your parents who were going to test you and you were asking advice from everybody...most people told you to quit for 2 weeks, and you agreed, but your last post in the thread said you went ahead and smoked anyway...:rolleyes:


  5. Okay... this is really screwed up now.

    You do not need to ask for advice twice, and if you passed the one test that you took for your mom after stopping for two weeks, then obviously you are going to pass this test if you stop smoking for two weeks.

    I'm not trying to be mean, but there is a stickied thread at the top of this forum that explains every way to pass a drug test. And you can search the message boards for even more ways.

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