think i would be ok if i just showed up at my dealers house?

Discussion in 'General' started by wv dro, Feb 4, 2011.

  1. im really kool with him. he gives me kush for $5.60 a gram (exactly what he pays). weve both got each others backs. he smokes me out all the time. but i dont have my phone right now and i really need to smoke im thinking of just showing up at his door like can i get a sack? whats gc think?
  2. i don't see why it'd be a problem

    just show up and knock and say 'DEA NIGGGA'
  3. Just depends on the person i guess. But from what it sounds like it would be okay if you just explained that you didn't have your phone on you.
  4. lmao i like that idea but its 11pm. it might get me shot
  5. for real man if you guys are chill then it shouldn't be a problem unless he's gangbangin or something or lives with his mom

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