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Think I may need to stop smoking

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by AZBLAZER420, Jan 30, 2011.

  1. So I think I need to take a break and get back on track with life, and I think I may have to cut smoking out to do so. Its going to suck but I think it is necessary. So I was hoping you guys have some good tips on stopping. Im not going to stop forever maybe like 1 year or 2 and I will smoke on occasion but I'm not going to let my life revolve around weed anymore. I havent gotten into alot of trouble because of smoking. I have been kicked out of schools, being arrested, and I have decided that I want to go to college and I know some people can be very succesful and still smoke but I dont think that is something I should do. I think this really shows how I have been maturing enough to realize i need to get back on track.

    Damn just realized how long that was my bad.
  2. If herb is affecting your quality of life it may be time to at least take a break, i've taken the last month or so off and its been great except for the whole sober part. I'm starting back up today though if my guy will pick up his phone
  3. hey man if you feel like the herb is messing with your life then do stop, theres no shame in that.

    get your shit together, get a nice paying job, family or whatever it is that you want.

    once everything is settled and your living comfortably and your where you want to be then get back into it. :smoke:
  4. Take a small temporary break, try to resolve some of your problems and see how things work out. :D

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