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Think about this. Once you get high once, you stay high your whole life.

Discussion in 'Seasoned Marijuana Users' started by Tok3onH3rbs, May 15, 2009.

  1. Because wouldnt being sober after being high... make you high again? Because you're in a different reality.

    Think about it.
  2. That's... no. Just, no. Hahaha. But A for effort, dude.
  3. Yes, you're back to the reality that you're had for your whole life (sobriety), with the exception of the experience of THC.

    Why do you think they call it "coming down"? Are you saying we actually all "stay up" :eek:?
  4. I was talking about the very same thing the other day. My said pretty much the same thing. Blew my mind when I was high. Not so much now.
  5. This is why we have a problem gettin weed legal for people saying theese type things im sure there are some people that are anti-maryjane here :mad:
  6. Marijuana distorts what we know as reality, i.e. what we experience day-to-day. Coming off a high is just bringing you back to the equilibrium.
  7. What? Maybe I should re-read this when I'm high, cause it really makes no sense.
  8. The things Sour Diesel will do to you:smoking:
  9. well, you have the experience of being high for the rest of your life. I dont know, some what of a stretch. Im not high right now, I think I need to be high to appreciate this thread.
  10. Well getting high just changes your perception of reality. So all your doing when you come down is changing back to your original perception. Its kinda intense thinking :eek:

  11. haha. nice.
  12. This idea is a complete and utter fallacy.
  13. You just made me laugh so hard, because it's obvious you were stoned off your ass on chronic when you wrote this and it makes no sense.
  14. Once you eat a doughnut you stay doughnutty your whole life
  15. I like the sound of that
  16. well in my case i have not been sober but a few times since my last t-break 5 years ago when i wake up i have abowl loaded already and smoke .. so when im sober i deffinatly feel different ..
  17. No, getting high is leaving a sobre mind-state, sobreing up is returning to that same sobre mind-state which is normal, not high. A for effort.
  18. Sure wish it worked that way
  19. I think i know what hes trying to say, there where times where i would be stoned for days and when i get sober after that, it feels so alien (staying high for life).

    so it makes in a stoner type of way.

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