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Think about the briefcase from Pulp Fiction.

Discussion in 'General' started by Foniac, Sep 25, 2007.

  1. Spoilers.

    If you all are anything like me then you had no idea what was in the briefcase in Pulp Fiction.

    Remember the first time you were introduced to Marcellus Wallace. The first shot of him was of the back of his head, complete with band-aid. Then, remember the combination of the lock on the briefcase was 666. Then, remember that whenever anyone opened the briefcase, it glowed, and they were in amazement at how beautiful it was; they were speechless. Now, bring in some Bible knowledge, and remember that when the devil takes your soul, he takes it from the back of your head. Yep, you guessed it. And what is the most beautiful thing about a person: his soul. Marcellus Wallace had sold his soul to the devil, and was trying to buy it back. The three kids in the beginning of the movie were the devil's helpers. And remember that when the kid at the end came out of the bathroom with a "hand cannon," Jules and Vincent were not harmed by the bullets. "God came down and stopped the bullets," because they were saving a soul. It was divine intervention.
  2. I've always wondered what was in there. +rep
  3. so the soul made the yellow glow in the breifcase??? or the form of payment to the devil was the yellow glow??? confusion....
  4. My girlfriend actually came up with the same conclusion as you did. She suggested that it was Wallace's soul. Pretty intuitive about the whole "divine intervention" scene. Can't remember her reasoning for her conclusion, I was pretty stoned.
  5. Nicely done man that is one of the best explinations of the movie ive ever heard.

    Bump for all pulp fans

    Which on is it?
    The one that says "Bad Mother Fucker"
  6. Never saw it but your theory seems plausible.

    note to self,

    Hand cannon = masterbation

    *call sucide hotline and ask.
  7. That theory has been around since the movie came out. It's kind of obvious once you think about it.
  8. lol, i thought it was candy :(
  9. does anybody know about any upcoming Tarintino movies?

  10. I know he's been working on a script for "Inglorious Bastards" since he finished Pulp Fiction. It's a WWII movie, but there's not so much info out on it.

    I guess it's fucking epic in length.
  11. Damnit, I know I saw a .gif out there once that had Jules opening the breifcase and you see a cutaway of a bunch of chocolate truffles wrapped in gold foil in there. Unfortunately I've been searching for like 30 minutes and can't fucking find it, damnit!!
  12. i always wondered what was in there. i just assumed it was gold bricks or something.
  13. Oh, Im sorry did I break your consentration?

    haha..damn straight you did. love pulp fiction baby

  14. Really? BOOOOMB!
  15. Great analysis did you come up with it yourself? Coincidentally I was thinking of this movie today and decided I want to rewatch it soon.

    It is my favorite movie ever.
  16. Ditto.
  17. I got real high one day with my friends and we where sitting around. We watched pulp fiction, in the middle of the movie I stood up and said "Holy Shit, I figured out what was in his briefcase." And basically said exactly what you wrote here.
  18. Yeah I heard the soul theory a while ago, and it makes pretty good sense. It was originally suposed to contain the diamonds stolen in "Resovoir Dogs" but the Tarentino changed his mind.
  19. the soul theory is very common but its just that.. a theory. i mean sure it could of been his soul but theres also so many other things it could have been.

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