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Things you carry around?

Discussion in 'Seasoned Marijuana Users' started by OneJointToGo, Jan 25, 2010.

  1. #1 OneJointToGo, Jan 25, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 25, 2010
    Hey guys and girls of this season tokers smoking section! I used the search button and didn't seem to come up with anything, so I decided... why not?!? I sometimes walk by someone I don't know and I smell the good old herb and wonder, I wonder if that lady as a nice little bubbler in her purse!

    Post a list of everything you always have on you in your pockets, backpacks, purses, anything! (Illegal or not!)
    Also if you could post your age too, that'd be good!

    *My list*
    1.) My wallet - inside my wallet other then the normal money, credit cards, that junk is a pack of rolling papers (I love me a good joint!), a "pokey tool" for bongs and bowls (very handy!), a spare house key, and of course, a condom.

    2.) My keys - on this keychain there are keys to: My house, My jeep, My room, My safe and for some reason, a universal school key from high-school last year.

    3.) My lighter - DUH (sometimes two :rolleyes:)

    4.) My small glass piece - fits right in my pocket with any pair of jeans I wear. (typically what I'm wearing now that it's a bit chilly out.)

    5.) My pocket knife, always comes in handy from making homemade bongs with my boys to cracking that blunt, a pocket knife is a very handy tool to have!

    6.) My cell phone - I text to much!

    7.) The fine herb - weed! - OBVIOUSLY!

    8.) My pack of cigs - Been smoking Pyramid 100's for the past few months instead of Camel Turkish Silvers.. they're only $5.71 a pack!

    That's usually what's always in my pockets. Keep in mind that I'm an 18 year old boy from western Massachusetts so things you have may vary.

    MySpace - Joee - 18 - Man - 413, Massachusetts -

    check me out ;)

  2. Wallet
    .3g weed
    Fast Deploy knife
    Extra set of matches
    Can of Copenhagen
    $50 in my shoe, (in case I lose my wallet)
    If in my car, a loaded CZ52 pistol that I converted to 9mm NATO. (I am a valid WA State CPL holder).
  3. A gentleman should always have a handkerchief handy. Be prepared.
  4. Can of Copenhagen

    Just to know, what is this?
  5. #5 k_semler, Jan 25, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 25, 2010
    Smokeless tobacco produced by US Smokeless Tobacco Co. Their "top line" product. (can of chewing tobacco).
  6. - Wallet
    - Camel cigs
    - 2 lighters
    - A box of matches
    - Mary Jane in sandwich bag
    - One-hitter
    - Keys (hooked to my belt buckle)
    - Bandanna (no, I'm not in a gang. It's just a habit.)
  7. That's why god invented tree leaves. :)

  8. Ah, alright
  9. Wallet, Cellphone, Switchblade, Bubbler, grinder, papers, cigs, lighter, water bottle, gum, roto, stash jar, baton, chillum.
  10. So you use a backpack or..?
  11. I use my pants. If it won't fit in my pockets that are standard on blue jeans, I don't carry it. If it's during hot weather in summer, I'll carry a "man-bag" loaded down with 6L of water, (to drink it as needed).
  12. Yea, I assumed that for you, I'm the same, but having a stash jar a baton and a water bottle in jeans seems unreal so I was asking, maybe he keeps it in his car though, idk.
  13. Pistol is kept in car, (vehicle locked, weapon in safe when I'm not in it). Stash fits in my left rear pocket. Water bottle will fit in my left front pocket which is sitting on top of my cell phone. My water bottle is a used, (recycled), 1L Mtn Dew bottle that I've had for 2 years. Standard winter load out. :) The pockets on my coat are dedicated to work tools, or keeping my hands warm, (depending on what I'm doing). If on site, I use them for tools, and wear gloves. If walking around, I'll just shove my hands in my pockets. Fuck the golves. It adds 2oz of weight that is not needed.
  14. #14 aaman4567, Jan 25, 2010
    Last edited: Jan 25, 2010
    I always have the most random stuff. theres really only 3 things you can always be positive to find on me. my phone, wallet, and keys, oh and usually a lighter (i know thats 4). then my good stuff is usually in my car unless i'm leaving it somewhere then i'll take some more stuff with me like bud, papers....well bud and papers is usually what i'll take out of the car lol. had to come back to edit lol i forgot to put the random things you will find on me at any given day.
    -jolly ranchers
    -ping pong paddle
    -pooping cow thing
    -4leaf clover
    -mini needle/record brush
    -crazy pens i've built
    -some random toy to play with
    -soo much more lol
  15. -Wallet
    -My buttterfly Knife
    -blunt wraps

    I don't go out in public with bud on me easiest way to get caught plus I'm not a dumb ass stoner that needs bud on me 24/7.
  16. Wallet, keys, 16GB flash drive, phone, Bic, Rohto, and pen. If I have my jacket on, and not in the car, add Zippo, Cloves, travel pack (50s cigarette case with papers, a lighter, and a small amount of bud, along with any pre-rolled jays I made in the morning)

    Yes, I often have 3 lighters on me. 3 more in the car.
  17. constantzzz iss the key and im always packin trees
    this is a secret and you must find out on your own.:eek:
  18. Wallet
    Keys on a lanyard
    Usually a book, right now it's Naked Lunch
    Small writing journal :rolleyes:
  19. I completely forgot about my iTouch, thanks for posting MP3 haha.
  20. ipod, cell, wallet, lighter, hackysack, bandana, papers, bud, and i usually tend to have a few seeds ive grabbed in that little front pocket on my jeans hahaha.

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