Does anyone have a bunch of things they can't do that they normally can, but can't when they're high?
I cant read books at all, I just zone out. I also can't socialize among people who I'm not really close to.. I end up just staring at their face and muttering random words every so often
Haha I can't do any of those things. Since I smoke outside, I come in to wash my hands and spend 30 mins doing it, then open the fridge and sit down on the floor deciding what to eat
Play online... hahahaha Read. write. Pretty much anything that isn't driven by pleasure, hunger or sleep. Hahahaha
I think the only thing that I'd really want to be sober for is a public speech. I could be baked for nearly anything else
For sure reading, my mind wanders a lot. I just forget what I read 2 lines ago and can't remember what the fuck I'm trying to understand about the writing.
Running! When I'm sober I'm can run miles nonstop, when I'm high I can probably run 1/4 a mile before I have to take a break.
speak properly - I always mumble my words and have to repeat myself louder. I also feel like i'm just staring blindly at someone when they're speaking and they know that i'm high lol
cant clip my nails, well i can but i can't ever make the edges round there always sharp and i always just fuck up in general while doing that high
I can't fight, write exams, study, play online games WELL or talk to girls smoothly when I'm high Also apparently I can't communicate properly with waiters at restaurants I was at a burger place and told the guy I wanted a regular burger with added bacon and cheese but without any bacon and cheese...was awkward
I cant roll a joint for shit when high, its literally like I have lost all coordination and ability to use my fingers properly. Sucks actually. So I usually default onto bong bowls or pipe bowls. Joints are great for getting me started, or if I want one in the middle of a smoke sesh I have to have it ready to go. I also cant talk to people to well, at least when I am really high. I guess I am more of a solitary smoker, do better on my own.