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Things to watch when stoned

Discussion in 'Seasoned Marijuana Users' started by Dr. Jekl, Nov 12, 2002.

  1. Yellow Submarine. The sea of holes is the trippiest ever.

    also, the animated sequences in pink floyd's, the wall were nice.
  2. pulp fiction is great even when you're not stoned
  3. I'd rather play games or skate when i'm stoned but if i had to watch something it would be the discovery channel. specifically Jeff Corwin.
    Heh there are mountain loads of movies, shows, vid, whatever to watch when you're high. Last summer i was always being bothered to watch The Matrix. It was cool the first time.
  4. List update:

    Ever see the movie Lair of the White Worm? It's cheesy British SciFi...but better than Dr. Who. It's got some heavy symbolism in it to trip out on when yer stoned.

    Dusk Till Dawn is pretty good too...
    But yer right, Pulp fiction is good no matter what state of mind yer in.

    Altered States is another one i like to watch when stoned. There's some great psychodelic..*sp?* scenes in it.
  5. conan o brian and the cosby show watch it bill cosby is always stoned lol
  6. i was watching tv late last night and some show called something like "the girl, the baby, and the guy on mushrooms" came on has anyone seen it? great show, id love to know when its on again
  7. TV Shows:
    Comicview (best ofs' kick ass)
    Reno 911

    Twister (but then again I was stoned)
    any American Pie

    Super Troopers rocked!
  8. every single cheech and chong movie is great! and Alice in wonderland, or Dumbo, i was wayyyy blazed and the pink elephantes was CCRAZY!!
  9. every single cheech and chong movie is great! and Alice in wonderland, or Dumbo, i was wayyyy blazed and the pink elephantes was CCRAZY!!
  10. man i wish duckman was still on the air here
  11. I love to watch Friday, and SLC punk im so surprised no one said that i LOVE that movie. Also the curve cuz there are so many twists only good the first time tho. I love trippy movies. But i have a very short attention span when im high and get confused easily lol.
  12. man, stoned movies are always the best. you have to check out "yello submarine" its a trippy ass fuckin beatles cartoon movie. complete with a never ending hallway, a big flying hand, and a battle of blueberries. also, check out "the wall" that pink floyd move. pretty trippy shit.

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