Things to do While High?!

Discussion in 'General' started by Texas Fr3ak, Aug 9, 2011.

  1. thought this would be a fun subject. hoping to get some ideas and maybe people can take something from one another.

    Just simply enter your favorite thing(s) to do, places to go, and whatever you like to do while or after your getting baked. If you choose you can descript it and tell us why this is your hobby of choice.


    I love to go through car washes!
    Also not to be a douche bag, but bogging out a car then rolling up to Sonic and letting the smoke cloud hit your attendant is always fun. We once made a kid get out of the back of the car and close the door as quick as he could, just to keep all the smoke in the car. When the girl walked up to serve us, she didn't know what she had walked into. It was awesome.
  2. LOL that sonic thing sounds sketchy but fun as hell.

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