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Things to do while high/stoned

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by CommieNerd, Jan 30, 2011.

  1. What are some things you guys like to do when stoned or high? I couldnt think of a thing while high to watch on Youtube. Any help? :smoke:

  2. Yea, cant wait till I can do THAT again. Hypopitutary so that doesnt work right now! :(
  3. eat, sleep, drink, play with the dog, listen to music, play games, meet friends, chill with tv, watch movies, smoke some more :smoke:
  4. Are you on Windows OS? If so, download Winamp, play your favorite music, and turn on the default visualizer. It's called Milkdrop, and it is the most epic thing you will probably see without doing hallucinogens.
  5. Mac, but itunes has one now, I think.
  6. Really? Hahah. You can literally do anything. Go for a walk, watch a tv show, listen to music, lay down, browse GC, etc.
  7. Play disc golf.. take pictures.. plan vacations.. read a book.. cook up somefin tasty.

  8. No other visualizer even comes close. If you ever have the opportunity to check it out on a pc, please do.
  9. I hear ya. I used to use it all the time before I switched. We saw the videos on and I gotta tell ya, I need to watch them sober to see what was real and what was in my head.
  10. Smoke indica. Sit on your couch and enjoy the lock. Smoke sativa. Get some chores done.

  11. Must have been HEAVY indica that I had yesterday because I DIDNT want to go ANYWHERE!

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