Things that make you happy today.

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by Dalton!, Feb 2, 2011.

  1. This thread is just to post things that are making your day today.

    1. I'm high.
    2. Class was good
    3. While a large part of the country is being Blizzarded on right now, theres no snow in sight, even if it is a little chilly.
    4. left over pizza.

    More will be added later.

    What's making your day good, GC?
  2. 1. Im functionally high
    2. This section in my class has no lectures or tests
    3. I did all my school work for the day in 35 fuckin minutes cause im a pro
    4. The boss is going to be in and out of the office all day, leaving me multiple times to vape it up
    5. My gf's passport just came, meaning we can schedule the cruise
    6. I have some Vanilla kush, which i had been searching for, for a while
    7. Its over the hump day, and im well over the hump for the day, so im over the hump for the week!
  3. 1. Diet Coke with Lime...greatest drink ever!!
    2. I don't work today or tomorrow
    3. Just checked my bank account balance and there's more money in there than I thought there was
  4. thinking about my future and moving out.
    arena ethnobotanicals.
    have a solid eight of some sticky.
    college is iiiight.
  5. 1. New episodes of spongebob
    2. It's a snow day
    3. I lost 2 pounds
    4. Just ate a delicious brown sugar and cinnamon pop tart while completly baked!
  6. apparently some kid got kidnapped by gypsies 5 minutes from my house :confused:

    oh shit sorry i thought this was the 'things that make you :confused: today' thread woops my bad
  7. Well I was pissed off and I ripped my bedroom door off and smashed it to pieces. That's the only thing that's made me happy so far today. But now I'm regretting it....
  8. I went to bed really late last night cause I was having so much fun being baked. I wake up wishing I could sleep more only to find out that it's a snow day :smoke:
  9. I drove out into the most wild weather I've ever seen in my life last night.

    Instead of spending my day getting the car out of a ditch with 3ft of snow, I got pulled out not 5 min. after I drove into it, and didn't have to walk back to my buddy's house. I just found out I was doing all that in 55 m.p.h. winds in -10 degree weather, with 1.5 ft. of snow on the ground lol. It all worked out tho. thanks again ski mask jeep people. without you, i'd still be in the fuckin ditch.
  10. Meeting up with some mates this afternoon to organise a scuba dive onto a wreck for the weekend.
  11. Youre welcome man!!!!!! haha no i was in the same situation as you last night. driving home from work was a bitch. 60+ MPH winds, heavy snow, drifts 5-6ft high. fuck that shit, i couldnt even chop my blunt on the ride was that bad. i was driving with my hazzards on so other cars wouldnt run into the back of me. Whiteout conditions at its finest lol goodthing i have a big 4X4 explorer :cool::smoke:
  12. I did and activity today with my 2nd graders...where they fit the parts of story onto a paper that fit together like a puzzle. One of them really liked it and said it was the best activity ever (lol) and couldnt wait to take it home. That made me happy today.
  13. #13 kG_Blazed, Feb 2, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 2, 2011
    haha fo'sho. I tried drivin at like 10:30 last night. it was bad. all i could fuckin see was some snow plow lights in the distance. i got up there, a block down the road and turns out the motherfuckers gave up. they were just chillin blockin' off the road. street lights were out. ground was white. i didn't even really swerve into the ditch i just fuckin lost track of the road and straight up drove into one haha. the accord wasn't havin it lol. got stuck 3 times on the same block. fuckin' whiteout.
  14. the girl at the place i ordered food at was cool

    my day sucked :(
  15. Smokin at the crib while we got shit on by the snowstorm. I didn't mind shoveling and snowblowing in the blizzard. Because I smoked before... and then after. and then got super baked all day.

    great day.

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