Things I hate about this world.

Discussion in 'General' started by IvGotMilk, Nov 9, 2010.

  1. People who are selfish. - Someone told me they were getting a half bar of some dank weed for free and that they would give me a half ounce for free for helping them get it. We arrange to hang out somewhere at a time and they disappear off the face of the planet. And their phone is turned off. They also just use people to get weed off them without buying it.

    2 Faced people who say one thing then another behind your back. Someone who got me some drugs other than weed told me not to tell my sister because they are good friends and he didn't want to worry her. Recently I found out he told her behind my back.

    Liars. People who lie all the time, even just to keep themselves out of trouble but they don't care if they get someone else in trouble.

    People who judge other people. What's that about? What the hell has someone else's life got to do with yours? Some people are so narrow minded it's unreal. Someone doesn't like me because I smoke weed... Ok Mr Perfect.

    Politicians. Making me alter the way I live just because they think it's wrong. There should be some boundaries of law like fraud , theft and murder - that kind of thing. But to criminalize a plant which is less dangerous than alcohol because in some cases it has side effects- that's a chance Im willing to take and personal choice, but NO, apparently it's bad and I should be put in a cell to rot for years if Im caught with it. So what, lots of things have side effects, you take to much paracetamol your liver fails and you will probably die. I don't see the difference. Marijuana has medical purposes too.

    Politicians that make nice bonus' from tax - why do they get bonus'? For what? Making people society live the way they want? I know it seems kind of hypocritical but everyone should be able to do what they want within reason as long as it doesn't harm another human being or animal in some cases.

    Stubborn people who can't admit to being wrong. Bus driver charges me 4X the amount and won't refund me the ticket and we argue for a while and I just pay the amount and learn a lesson. I apologized to him when I was getting off the bus and he mumbled something looking the opposite direction from me.

    College lecturer clearly breaks the camera tripod and blames it on me when I never touched it. And she knew she did.

    Greedy people. - I can't get to my best friends party who Iv not seen in months because he's been away. Someone offers to take me. And here's me thinking it was out of the kindness of their heart. No, they wanted more money from me than what it cost to drive there. Money which I don't have.

    Show off's who insult people just to appear witty and intelligent in front of others, when quite frankly, they're a horrible person.

    What the fuck is wrong with society. Most people are obsessed with wealth, power, and success and always want more.

    Rant over :smoke:
  2. I definitely hear ya, man.

    I hate it when people don't understand simple common courtesy/politeness, myself.

    Just little things, like holding a door open for someone or saying "I'm good, how are you?" when a cashier asks me how I'm doing.
    There's this old lady cashier at the McDonald's near me, and every time I pull up to the window to pay she says "how are you today?" and I say "I'm good, how are you?" and she always looks up and gets this huge smile on her face just because someone actually asked her how she was doing for once.

    The effort that it takes is minimal, but by doing such a small thing I've made someone smile and I feel good about that. :p
    I wish more people would be kind like that.

    Also, moochers.
    People who think that just because they're your friend they can ignore their responsibilities and ask you for a ride to ____ because they spent all their money on _____ and you obviously have nothing better to do than give them a ride wherever they need to go.
    Fuck you, I'm busy. Even if all I'm busy doing is sitting on the internet, you could have gotten where you needed to go if you spent your money wisely.

    I take care of my own self, why can't you?!

    Geez, thanks for starting me on this rant. Now I'll never stop. :laughing:
  3. There are a ton of different types of people I don't like, but ranting only makes me dwell on the intense dislike and contempt I have for them, which makes me feel shitty :p

    If someone acts like a dick to me, I put them on the pay-no-mind list. Tremendous weight off my shoulders.

  4. Same here.

    Everyone says "I hate drama" but half the people who say that secretly love the drama. :rolleyes:

    I really do hate it... I've had people try to start drama with me and I'm just like "okay, peace". I don't need you in my life if you're just gonna be startin' shit over some petty crap that you feel the need to make into a big dramatic situation.

    Good bye! I won't miss you much! :p
  5. I just needed to rant somewhere about this kinda stuff and GC is the only place I can think of! :)
    But I feel you - this shit aggravates me too but we can't just ignore the reality we live in. Well we can but not forever
  6. I had something happen a little while back that really made me have to rethink the things I say to other people. I was in a small grocery store and an older lady next to me sneezed. The way I was brought up you always said bless you when someone else sneezed. Well I did out of habit and this lady turned and gave me the nastiest look you could imagine. It was like I had just kicked her dog or something. Now if it happens and I don't know the person I just ignore them.

  7. Exactly my point man!!
    See if she had manners and looked at the bigger picture, she'd have seen you were just being nice. But she didn't and that is one of the things that annoy me to hell :eek:
  8. Exactly. Unfortunately the same people who start drama and I end up ignoring, always seem to come back to start some more drama...

    I think the people who start shit between other people lead a very empty life but are too scared to actively bring about some change. Believing that your life "is what it is", is easier than accepting that your life is always changing and chaotic and the only one with the responsibility for the quality of your life is you.

    So they create a conflict between other people to spice up their own miserable existence. I used to do it all the time in grade school :p

    (I don't have weed and I'm bored as shit so I just pass the time thinking up little theories, they don't have any professional validity ;))
  9. Isn't that kind of the problem though? If all us nice guys stop being nice cause some douchebags can't appreciate it, then the whole world takes a turn for the worse. Imagine you're on a bus and sneeze and nobody says bless you, cause they all had an experience with someone who gave them a nasty look.

    Not that I'm always a sparkling ray of sunshine, but I really try to remain courteous, even if it's getting harder and harder each day :(
  10. I think because Iv been sober near a week, Iv started to notice these things. Because when Im high or the day after Im high Im just content and accept things the way they are.
  11. I've been sober for only three days and I don't like the way I feel. I'm not fiending for weed, but I feel so dull.. No wide range of emotions, just zombie-ish and cranky.

  12. Yeah man - The warm glow is gone and I find it hard to relax. Definitely time to stop for a week or 2.
  13. Totally agree man.

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