Thiaoouba Prophecy

Discussion in 'Religion, Beliefs and Spirituality' started by dannyszu, Jan 18, 2014.

  1. #1 dannyszu, Jan 18, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 20, 2014
    So chiggity check this... I was lookin around for how to do astral projections since there's two threads on it. After searching and searching I came across this website: wacky name, whatever I clicked on it, turns out it had some REALLY good info in comparison to other websites on astral projection.
    So deeper in I get to the meat of the site, Thiaoouba. I will try and explain the premise of it. This guy, Michel Desmarquet (from northeast Australia) was 'abducted' by Thao (from the planet Thiaoouba) for some purpose which I'm still figuring out as I'm reading the .pdf ebook now. It oddly coincides with a lot of spiritual teachings, and claims to have virtually all the answers as to how humans are on earth, creation of the universe, you know...just about everything. It's said that he was selectively chosen (of course) to relay the information given to him over the 9-10 days he spent outside of the earth into one, or a series of books. 
    Fascinating read, if not real it is actually a great piece of fiction (to which the author claims he has little creative ability to make this up). Look, I'm a skeptic, I try not to jump to conclusions, if so I back from it and look for alternatives, hardly ever believing things. I am fascinated by 'extra-terrestrials' as I firmly believe (heh, not often I say that) they are there, they know more than us, and they potentially know everything there is to know.
    So the book can be found here:
    As for the prophecy part, I haven't gotten that far into the book, its 183 pages and I'm 68 in.
    No thread on this and it seems well worthy of it. Shoot the shit my friends lol.
    TL;DR extra terrestrial shit with no forseeable evidence other than a story
    Having read the book, here's the moral of the story: Technological advancements with a materialistic society always ends up destroying itself, technology is to assist in spirituality. This is very good(no shit) and sadly has further sickened me as to how we go about things. Actually the FAQ has a good answer for where I was going to go with this edit.
    Q. What is the main message of The Book ?
    A. The message from Thiaoouba is that ‘‘material technology, without spiritual knowledge, is leading us to inevitable global catastrophe on Earth. Technology should ASSIST in the spiritual development and not be used (as it is used now) to enslave people within a monetary system and materialistic world, which are both temporary anyway.'' ‘‘Superficial'' is an excellent word you can use to describe the monetary system and materialistic world.
    At the moment, we focus most of our attention on our physical bodies, but this is a serious mistake. The physical body, like everything material, is actually temporary, whereas the psyche, being part of the Astral body never dies... We should concentrate on the development of the mind ...
    The people of Thiaoouba also stress the importance of our individual free will. "We all have free will and it is up to us to discipline ourselves in order to improve spiritually. To impose one's free will on another, in a way which deprives the individual of exercising his own free will, is one of the greatest crimes that man can commit..."
    In view of such a statement, our entire society on Earth is based on wrong principles. Most people are forced to follow the flock... The Book not only describes a full diagnosis of the current situation, but also contains detailed instructions of what to do and how. Specifically, how the same problems have been overcome on other planets similar to ours. The most important is the context of this information: the purpose of our existence, demonstrated by very advanced people, who have themselves passed our current stage of development long, long ago.

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  2. And you believe there is a realistic chance this isn't fiction?
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  3. #3 dannyszu, Jan 18, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 18, 2014
    I believe anything is possible in this universe, so yes.
    You are aware we are limited by our senses? And things incomprehensible 200 years ago exist today. Imagination is endless as is the universe. I could be rambling...
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  4. Its possible. I just personally feel there is effectively a 100% chance this is the guys story to try and make a buck in the world.

    Im not trying to rag on you either i just wanted to know what your personal opinion was on it. I enjoy reading david ike and alex jones type stuff but from the viewpoint that its entertaining to see what some people claim or do believe.
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  5. #5 dannyszu, Jan 18, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 18, 2014
    Lol that's generally the excuse people give for such things "He's doing it for the money", maybe. Most spiritual people (I don't know to what extent this guy is spiritual) don't really desire material things, and this book advocates that the number one thing we as a society should do is abolish the monetary system as it puts I in front of us/we. However ya he could be. 
    The story is intriguing as fuck however, if you look at it as truth it seems gratifying to know there's much more than what we have on this lonely planet. Once I read it I'll most likely tuck it away in my arsenal of spiritual goodies, and a goodie it is.
    edit x 2 : and the book is free, I think theres an extended version for a price though it could be found for free as well.
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    I used to think David Icke was a complete nutcase, but he's actually a smart nutcase.
    Alex Jones is an ex-CIA agent turned government shill/provocateur who attempts to muddy the waters and control the Truther/Ancient Aliens/Atlantis/Conspiracy movement by being the figurehead for anti-establishment movements of all sorts. 
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  7. edited the first post
    I really think its worth a read as its message is absolutely brilliant, scifi or real you decide
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  8. I read some but it was just too science-fictiony for my tastes.
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  9. Thanks for sharing this. The line between fact and fiction these days is so blurry and subjective. To me it is all just information. To me the idea that technology and spirituality are related is the pearl of it. We can already see the cracks emerging in our society as the two continue to diverge.

    I haven't had the opportunity to dig in much on the actual text but, from what I gather from the thread I look forward to it.
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  10. IMG_20220305_153400.jpg
    @dannyszu -defs agree with you on the perspective of essentially being open to various sources of information without allowing one's self to accept any position on it.
    Subjectively, it seems wise to ever maintain vigilance, never allow one's self to become shackled, neither reject, nor accept, all things, simply acknowledge and become conscious of all perspectives to allow growth, thus expanding illumination of ones "light", or "awareness", or whatever one wishes to refer to such.
    It seems that to chose either acceptance or rejection, irregardless whether or not the consensus defines fact, fiction, truth, or falsehood, allowing any static position would impose restrictions upon ones development potentials within ones current, and limited, physical experiential transit, or "lifetime", or whatever.
    That's not meant as a statement, just a current subjective opinion, it'll probably have grown to become slightly different in an hour, and moreso by tomorrow, etc.
    Have you made progress with "Astral Projection" so far?
    If not, perhaps focus on the much less demanding "O.B.E.s", like "Lucid Dreaming", to begin with, a means of gaining the necessary experience required, coz at least some capacity of conscious influence during the experiencing of "A.P." is a must, otherwise the experiences are not too different from the common dream experience, your way up to "A.P.",...sorta like it's best not to dive into an ocean while still learning to swim.
    "L.D." is pretty easy once ya get the initial understanding of how it occurs.
    Try think of it sorta like lying in bed as one would normally when going to sleep, except one must keep consciously awake and allow the physical body to disengage, which simply means the body essentially switches to sleep/regeneration mode.
    Once the body disengages, so long as ones managed to maintain being consciously awake/aware at this point, one can move about freely without the physical body, though with this "O.B.E.", ones movement is still mostly limited to normal physical parameters for the most part, I don't really know why this is. However, many physical objects can be simply walked through, which can be quite unexpected.
    During my first "O.B.E. experience, I tried casually leaning against a door frame while watching real-time events.
    I fell through the door frame, which shocked me back into physical body, and startled it coz in that brief moment I had reactively expected physical harm resulting from the falling through the door frame.
    @DeathMadeTangible -pretty much spot on regarding Alex Jones, though I wouldn't fall the ex-CIA bollocks.
    To be "Ex-CIA", is to be dead, he's still alive, plus CIA, just like government, is merely a front, none of these institutions actually hold any real power, they merely project as though they do.
    AJ is just another lifelong "spook".
    Like the politicians, AJ is merely an actor playing his specified role.
    Panem et circenses.
    Here's some interesting PDFs,...

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